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Dancing with the Stars: Week 9 results
The musical guest for this week was The Pet Shop Boys. After the SWOP demonstration last week, they follow it up with these two guys? Emmitt and Cheryl next week. Each team will perform three dances, and the prop department will
Alternate Take with Liz Copeland (12am-5am) WDET Music Mix. Tuesday - GIVEAWAY: Tickets to see Robert Randolph & the Family Band (2 PAIR); "Boomtown 1925" Play (1 PAIR + DVD). Thursday - GIVEAWAY: Tickets to see Jeff Daniels & Friends
Headline of the Week
"County first to get digital-imagery device" There's no explanation of the device, but Tippah County is apparently the first county in the state to recieve orthoimagery. It will be recognized for this achievement (achieved through a
MTV stays hip with Gamer’s Week 2.0
Video - On-demand versions of on-air Gamer’s Week 2.0 programming from MTV, Tune in - A guide to all gaming programming airing during Gamer’s Week 2.0 Set for the week of November 13th, every single MTV on-air and online screen
Frock Horror of the Week
Thanks to Fashion Addict Diary for this week's Frock Horror of the Week. This is space age for fashion or taking the whole Clockwork Orange concept to the extreme or just another very ugly (not to mention totally unpractical) design.
Best Night Ever: 11/08/06
It's the Best Night Ever for Wednesday, November 8th! Katina is here to walk you through the best moments of Wednesday night TV, including Dancing With The Stars, America's Next Top Model, Lost, Biggest Loser, and Top Chef.
Ubuntu Edgy: fresh install last week, now can't change a load of
Forum: Linux - General Posted By: morrolan Post Time: 11-09-2006 at 12:12 PM
Yahoo! To Test Graphical Mobile Ads This Week
A couple days ago Reuters said that Yahoo! is testing graphical ads on mobile devices this week. Yahoo Inc. is to begin delivering graphical ads to mobile phones as part of a test of how it can extend corporate brand
And Now, For an Election Week Word from Lysander Spooner.
For some reason I can
The Office Pool: Week Ten
Although this column righted itself last week, the winning percentage continues to recede. This week though, the Eagles should right themselves and barely win Both of these teams are gloating after upset victories last week.

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