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Extensis Releases Auto-Activation XTension for its Font Management Products for QuarkXPress 7 on Intel-based Macs Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
PORTLAND, Ore.----Extensis, a division of Celartem Inc., today announced free XTensions modules for all Extensis font management products for QuarkXPress 7 on Intel-based Macs. This update allows for auto-activation and adds native support for Intel-based Macintosh and PowerPC systems.
Font Accessibility WebProNews
Just as it's important to choose the right colors for your design, it's also very important to make good choices about the fonts you use in your design. As with color the fonts you choose can reveal a great deal about your company and your site and the image you want to convey to your audience. Fonts are also an important accessibility consideration for your website. One of the most important
Crafting a holiday feeling The News-Review
Her handwriting could practically be a font. Calligrapher and stamper Manya Meador has employed her penmanship skills to create homemade gift items for Umpqua Valley Art Center's gift gallery, Santa's Unique Boutique.
Bitstream Improves the Speed of Its Leading Font Rendering Solution for Small Embedded Systems Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.----Bitstream Inc. announced today the release of Font Fusion® 3.3. This release offers a significant increase in rendering speed for compressed fonts and reasserts Font Fusion's dominant position as the fastest font engine available today.
Also noted Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune
Ramon Font Bernard, 86, a historian who was a close ally to former Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, died Monday in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, his family said. Font had been hospitalized since suffering a brain hemorrhage three weeks earlier, according to his wife, journalist Olga Nunez. The historian held several positions in the governments of Trujillo -- who ruled the Caribbean
EXIT POLL: Governor's race The Sacramento Bee
#hdrTable { width:510px; } #scroller { width:510px; overflow:auto; } table tr, table td { font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right; color:#000; border:1px solid #999; white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:bottom; } table.hdrTable tr.header { font-weight:bold; color:#fff; text-align:center; background-color:#000; } table.hdrTable td.header { font-weight:bold;
Microsoft et Bull s'unissent pour offrir une solution de calcul de haute performance SYS-CON Media
- Bull adopte Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003.
Obituaries in the news Boston Globe
Ramon Font Bernard, a historian who was a close ally to former Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, died Monday, his family said. He was 86.
VU A BERLIN - Les godillots écolos le petit journal
Les pacifistes à l’heure de la récupération. Prenzlauerberg. Photo. (LPJ Berlin) A l’heure où des soldats allemands font scandale en Afghanistan, certains Berlinois ont trouvé le moyen de manifester leur convictions profondes… En plus d’être pacifiques, écologiques, ces authentiques godillots de la Bundeswehr sont pile dans la tendance déco qui a le vent en poupe : la récupération.
No logo, says county Haldimand TELLS website operator to remove county trademark The Simcoe Reformer
Gary McHale says he wonders if Haldimand County officials have nothing better to do these days.

Font - Wikipedia
Il design di un dato carattere in un font teneva conto di tutti questi fattori. I font digitali possono codificare l'immagine di ciascun carattere o
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Freeware and shareware fonts, browse the fonts by themes, by alphabetical order, and preview them before downloading. [PC/Mac]
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font.it - il sito italiano sui true type font. Scarica il font Scratch_Board 1998® Testo - tutti i diritti riservati Valutazione 80%
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