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The island of San Pietro  is one of the little islands inhabited of  Mare Mediterraneo. Situated in the south-west of the Sardinia, whit an  extendions of  50 Kmq.approximately and is characterized from high and full rocks coasts, natural and extraordinary beauty fjords, most limpid sea, an inside characterized from more meditteranean plants and typical animals.

The island of San Pietro is one of the little islands that it has known to conserve traditions, culture, typical languages and customs who  testify the own origin, even if far from the native land. Carloforte is the only inhabited center of the island; it was founded from a colony of  Liguria fishermen, to the time of the reign of Carl Emanuele III and its historical center, characterized from the old seven-hundredth palaces that born in that period when Carloforte expanded beyond its walls.



Lines, timetables and rates for the Island of San Pietro and Carloforte












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