Democratic Loss on November 7 Could Kill Small Business
PETALUMA, CA (MARKET WIRE) According to Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League, if the Democrats don't recover at least one house of Congress on November 7th, the Bush Administration will be free to move forward
US Small Business Administration Offering Podcasts for Entrepreneurs
The US Small Business Administration has announced the start of a podcast for small business owners. These podcast will cover a range of topics to help entrepreneurs on the road to starting a new business. The only issue that I can see?
David Leonard
David Leonard has been the Small Business Administration’s senior area manager for Northern Nevada since October 2005. He is responsible for the delivery of all
Report on the Small Business Administration’s Supplemental
Senator Snowe’s review found that the Small Business Administration and its participating lenders failed to properly document loan eligibility for small businesses damaged by the attacks.â€
Advocacy Recommends That OSHA Consider Small Business Concerns
On November 2, 2006, the US Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy submitted comments on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on Hazard Communication
Ten Reasons To Love Small Business
Small businesses are the heart of United States’s economy, and the Office of Advocacy of the US Small Business Administration is sending them this Valentine with the reasons to love them
Roadblocks for LRA Grant Money
Thousands have applied for the funds, but bureaucratic red tape and conflicts with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) have stalled the payout process. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
oadblocks for LRA Grant Money
Thousands have applied for the funds, but bureaucratic red tape and conflicts with the US Small Business Administration (SBA) have stalled the payout process. The LRA made an official request on Monday that the SBA stop insisting that
US Small Business Administration Opens Second Center To Assist
The US Small Business Administration (SBA) has opened the second Disaster Loan Assistance Center in Northern Virginia to assist victims of recent area storms, flooding, and mudslides
Minority small-business owners receive record number of loans
Minority small-business owners in New Jersey received a record number of loans from the US Small Business Administration in 2006, according to a report released by the agency this week
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Small Business Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Small Business Administration, or SBA, is a United States Government agency Renewed efforts by the Bush Administration to end the SBA loan program
SCORE "Counselors to America's Small Business"
Business help and advice for small businesses just starting or for SBA logo SCORE is a Resource Partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration.
BusnessLaw.gov Home page redirect
The BusinessLaw.gov website has been incorporated into Business.gov Please follow the link below if this page does not refresh automatically.
SmithBucklin Information
OSHA's Small Business page
It also includes links to OSHA local offices and the Small Business Administration. Office of Small Business Assistance · Consultation: Free On-Site Safety
Central Contractor Registration (CCR)
On April 18, 2005, the CCR, through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)implemented a Small Business Size Logic software program. The small business
Their "Dynamic Small Business Search" function performs the same searches as PRO-Net, and the "Supplemental Pages" of their register/update will