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Indian court urged to end monkey business
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - An Indian state government has asked the country's highest court to help get a monkey off its back -- or rather about 300 monkeys
MonadasMonkey business
Heres is a hole work piece from sketch to vector all the process. Hope you like it. Best, Choper
monkey business.
heres is a hole work piece from sketch to vector all the process. Hope you like it. Best, Choper.Awarding the pursuit of artistic excellence! - www.3ThumbsUpAward.com
not monkey business
He's a 28 year old monkey (old for a monkey of his kind). Like many old men, he's sluggish, Rudy is the picture of monkey vitality, although he is slightly older. The difference between monkey 1 and monkey 2? Quantity of food
Monkey Business
Last week I got a new job. My old job had no opportunity for growth and average benefits. My new one has tons of opportunity, and awesome benefits. Needless to say, I was pretty pumped to get the job. The job is at a major multimedia
Monkey Business
The first monkey up the rope was always allowed to climb to the reward, Eventually, when the rope-climbing monkey would make a move to go for The scientists then removed that “special monkey” and put a new one in the room.
Monkey Business
This little wind-up monkey has to be my favorite by far. It was only $1.99 (USD) at World Market in Evanston, IL. It has kept me entertained way more than is probably normal. Take a peek and enjoy.
Monkey Business
OK, but no tongue eh! (3890KB .wmv file
Monkey Business
Artwork, photographs and pottery from local artists - some from Cal State Fullerton - were displayed Friday at the grand reopening of the Monkey Business Cafe. Artists from Fullerton College and Fullerton High School were also featured.
Monkey Business Pt. 2
In an effort to record the absurdity of my training experience at my new job, I jotted down things through out the day that I found amusing, appalling, embarrassing, etc. Here are those notes: 10:50 am. - During a Q&A regarding sales

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