Verizon Business Expands Remote IP Application Management Service to Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific SYS-CON Media
Verizon Business today announced the global availability of its Remote Internet Protocol (IP) Application Management Service. This custom service allows customers to cost-effectively outsource all or some of the monitoring and management of their business-critical applications.
Eze Castle Integration Launches Eze Business Continuity Consulting Service for Hedge Fund and Investment Firms PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Eze Castle Integration, Inc., a leading provider of technology and IT services, today announced the general availability of its Eze Business Continuity Consulting Service for hedge fund and investment firms.
Sepialine Appoints U.S. Central Region Manager SYS-CON Media
Sepialine®, a leading provider of costrecovery solutions for service professionals, today announced theappointment of Michael Jacobs as General Manager for the United StatesCentral Region. Mr. Jacobs joins Sepialine from Canon Business Solutions,where he was a major account executive representing digital printing andimaging solutions. While at Canon Business Solutions, Mr. Jacobs workedclosely
Sen.-Elect Sheldon Whitehouse D?R.I. New York Times
Residence: Providence Born: October 20, 1955; Manhattan, N.Y. Religion: Episcopalian Family: Wife, Sandra Whitehouse; two children Education: Yale U., B.A. 1978 (architecture); U. of Virginia, J.D. 1982 Military Service: None Career: Lawyer; gubernatorial aide Political Highlights: R.I. Department of Business Regulation director, 1992-94; U.S. attorney, 1994-98; R.I. attorney general, 1999-2003;
PeopleSoft Founder Duffield Launches New Software-as-a-Service Company Intelligent Enterprise Magazine
Building off the Salesforce.com model, Workday aims to provide business software as a service.
Eze Castle Integration launches business continuity consulting services Finextra
Eze Castle Integration, Inc., a leading provider of technology and IT services, today announced the general availability of its Eze Business Continuity Consulting Service (Eze BCP) for
Boost your business with coaching advice icWales
COMPANIES which risk losing business because they can't afford to send sales staff on training courses are being offered a new bespoke service by a team of South Wales professionals.
AUT presents the inaugural China Business Forum Scoop.co.nz
China is home to more than 1.3 million buyers and sellers, 111 million internet users 187,508 internet service providers, 3,240 television stations, and has a 9.9% GDP growth rate. So it’s no surprise navigating the nuances of the Chinese market can make or break the New Zealand experience.
Orange Business Services and HP Win European Commission sTESTA Contract Valued Up to EUR 210 Million RedNova
Orange Business Services and HP have combined forces to deliver an innovative and modular approach to establish the European Union's secure and reliable communications exchange backbone, known as sTESTA.
NextLevel Internet Selects NetSapiens' SNAPsolutionTM for Business Communication Services RedNova
NextLevel Internet, Inc., Southern California's leading mission critical Internet access provider, has selected NetSapiens' SNAPsolution as its preferred turnkey VoIP solution for the company, and for its small and medium-sized business customers.
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The Ohio Attorney General is the state's chief legal counsel and law enforcement officer.
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A one-stop electronic link to all the information and services government provides for the business community.
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This is the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy homepage. This site contains information for prospective students, current students, faculty,
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