The ROI of RFID in the Supply Chain
For an organization considering RFID projects that might require significant up-front investment, Because the process is automated, labor costs can be reduced, RFID is a significant business investment for most organizations,
Seven Steps to a Highly Successful Budget Presentation: Proving
This year security and business resilience spending needs to be increased once Infrastructure upgrades are still sorely needed in many organizations the majority of IT spending is going – capital, services, labor or overhead.
The People of Chicago vs. Wal-Mart:
“Mayor Soul Man and Mayor Big Business on the Same Day†and City Hall toadies like Leon Finney (of The Woodlawn Organization) and James Compton, even as local labor market researchers reported that the company’s proposed stores
Building in The Future @ Yale, Part 4
presented under the theme â€The organization of Labor: Architectureâ€. glass panels that could be bolted into place with little additional labor. There is no standard business model, either, so few collaborators are available.
LA city attorney to sue hospitals that dump patients on skid row
litigation targeting several hospitals for unfair business practices. violating the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, In the meantime, Lott said, his organization is pursuing its own policy changes.
Positions on the California Ballot Propositions
Religious Organizations. CA Council of Churches: Impact: No Friends Committee on Legislation: No Progressive Jewish Alliance: No. Organizations - Good Government. ACLU of Northern CA: No San Francisco 4 Democracy: No. Business Labor Gov
Delegating is key to avoiding workplace stress
As a business necessity, organizations are consolidating workforces to reduce labor costs, but the quantity of work and expectations for results remains the same or are often increased. The resulting stress is no mystery … what to do
Dodge News - Scratch that: Chrysler Group definitely not for sale
The integration of smart into the Mercedes-Benz organization is progressing target due to very positive business developments in the divisions Mercedes Car Group, resulting from shortages, labor strikes or supplier insolvencies;
Management Support Analyst
Maintenance of management control (financial/business planning and Identification of business improvement opportunities; Risk mitigation program, or project, eg, direct labor, subcontractors, and temporary labor, etc.
Mobsters, Unions, Feds
One of the interesting things about studying labor issues is that one seldom “Every member of any labor organization shall have the right to meet and of the labor organization or upon any business properly before the meeting .