'Writing good web content' - Site-Reference Artice
The answer to bringing unique content to the web is to write for your readers. The language you use determines the kind of visitors your site will attract. I write to owners of websites that operate a business, mostly non-technical or
Personal tax reports now required in China
China residents will be required to submit their annual income reports to "local" tax authorities. The exact sites were not specified. Nor was it clear whether forms would be available in English or any other foreign language.
lsp 1.7.1 released LSP
Total project downloads to date: 38 Project description: LSP is an advanced web template language based on XML technology. LSP provides powerful and easy to use presentation logic, but keeps business logic and technical details out of
Alphabetical list of programming languages
Now, from the birthplace of OOP, comes the new BETA programming language, COmmon Business Oriented Language. Sometimes referred to as a subset of english, It is now being used at a growing number of sites for teaching functional
Website Designing - Looks vs. Works
The consideration on Usability and Business gets sidelined. other side of this issue, SEO consultants obsess about how much traffic it generates and how well a web site works. Audience Characteristics - Age, Language, Education
The Web According to Ballmer businessweek
He also talked about Microsoft's video-game and digital music business, as well as the new breed of competition <SCRIPT language='JavaScript1.1' The site is going to be replaced by Facebook Prime, you know, the guy will be old.
Business Presentations & Public Speaking in English
Part of the larger English Club site, a guide for English as a second or foreign language learners for effective public speaking
USA: 2007 Fellowship Journalism in Asia
Candidates must have worked for at least one year at an English-language publication. Candidates should also be fluent in English and in an Asian language and are available on the NYU Business and Economic Reporting Web site.
Wednesday #Freelance Daily Post: Today in Fr
When I visit your site, I am interested in ME and MY needs. and then finding you can’t deliver, will ruin your business reputation as nothing else can. Excellent command of the English language and general knowledge of business
Heavy Accent Help
"English has become the common language of the business world, business environment," said Dan Dias, director of India Research Lab. Maureen will come on-site to your company to teach telephone names sourcing to your sourcers.
Home -- U.S. Commercial Service Russia
The US Commercial Service offers valuable assistance to help US business export goods and services to markets worldwide.
English as 2nd Language - Learn English
Learn English with the About.com guide to English as a 2nd language (ESL / EFL). your very best on the big day using resources available on this site.
Business Rules for Electronic Commerce: Project at IBM T.J. Watson
an XML interlingua (i.e., syntactic interchange format) for such translation, called Business Rules Markup Language (BRML). The current version of BRML
XBRL - Extensible Business Reporting Language
A royalty-free, open specification to describe financial information for public and private companies and other organizations. Overview, FAQ, press releases
alphaWorks : CommonRules : Overview
CommonRules uses a sematically-rich rule language called CLP (Courteous Logic a seller Web site or application can communicate in XML its business
Business Rules for Electronic Commerce: Project at IBM T.J. Watson
an XML interlingua (i.e., syntactic interchange format) for such translation, called Business Rules Markup Language (BRML). The current version of BRML
XBRL - Extensible Business Reporting Language
A royalty-free, open specification to describe financial information for public and private companies and other organizations. Overview, FAQ, press releases
alphaWorks : CommonRules : Overview
CommonRules uses a sematically-rich rule language called CLP (Courteous Logic a seller Web site or application can communicate in XML its business
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is Use the 'earlybird' code, available on the site, and receive a $795 registration price.
Business Language Training, Language Training - National Centre
Our range of Courses in international trade, business language and cultural awareness provide participants with a variety of skills to confidently enter the
English Club ~ Learn English | Teach English
Site Map ESL or EFL? What do ESL and EFL mean? ESL stands for English as a Second Language. EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language.
Business Process Execution Language for Web Services
BPEL4WS provides a language for the formal specification of business processes Questions or comments about the Web site? Contact the webmaster@sap.com.
Object Management Group - UML
UML Profiles tailor the language to specific areas - some for business please contact webtech@omg.org This site is best viewed at 800x600 pixels with