Intelligent Design is Neither
Briant Trent, professional essayist, screenwriter and novelist, reports in the American Chronicle on a question he asked Intelligent Design proponent Jonathan Wells during the Cato Insitute sponsored debate between Shermer and Wells.
Dembski, secret handshakes and Darwinian theory
Our readers will hardly be surprised to learn from this post that William Dembski has once again demonstrated his lack of understanding of some elementary concepts of evolutionary theory; this time it was the case of experimentally
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The Templeton Foundation Distances Itself from "Intelligent Design"
On Wesley R. Elsberry’s blog at, Wesley discusses the recently stated position of the Templeton Foundation on “Intelligent Design”. The Templeton Foundation, the deep pockets people for science and religion studies,
Martinez Hewlett and Ted Peters: Who Sets the Evolution Agenda?
Hewlett and Peters are the next scientists, in a long line of scientists, who have written about the scientific vacuity of Intelligent Design. The understanding that it is unnecessary to argue about whether or not ID is science has
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purpose. It has been suggested that early menopause increases the risk of aging-macula disorder (AMD), the major cause of incurable blindness with a dry and wet late subtype, and that exposure to endogenous or postmenopausal exogenous
Eugenie C. Scott honored by AAAS
From the NCSE Eugenie C. Scott honored by AAAS. NCSE’s executive director Eugenie C. Scott, along with nine science teachers who have been on the front lines of the evolution wars, is receiving the American Association for Advancement
Robert John Russell : Intelligent Design is Not Science and Does
ROBERT JOHN RUSSELL ‘‘Intelligent Design is Not Science and Does Not Qualify to be Taught in Public School Science Classes’’ Theology and Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2005. Russell points out correctly that ID provides two alternatives for
PZ Myers: Wells knows nothing about development, part I
PZ reports on Wells: Jonathan Wells knows nothing about development, part I. If one were asked who the very worst advocate for Intelligent Design creationism was, it would be a difficult decision—there are so many choices!
Honesty in Advertising
The NCSE reports on an Antievolution bill in Mississippi. Mississippi’s House Bill 625, introduced by Representative Mike Lott (R-District 104) on January 9, 2007, and referred to the House Committee on Education, would provide,
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