Guides : LIEU

leggendo qua e là parole
Leggendo qua e là (parole rubate) In Calcutta su di un muro della casa dei ragazzi recita una scritta così: trova il tempo. Trova il tempo di pensare, trova il tempo di Leggi ancora
leggendo qua e là, ovvero:
Leggendo qua e là, ovvero: andate e moltiplicatevi Prima dell'era del petrolio la popolazione mondiale era di circa 600 milioni. Oggi siamo 6 miliardi. Il petrolio sta per finire. Se Leggi
loro vanno e vengono, vanno e
Loro vanno e vengono, vanno e vengono, vanno e vengono Li abbiamo visti ieri arrivare, a ondate, in formazioni quasi perfette, nel cielo azzurro di Lombardia. Seduti sul bordo del fiume,
la festa è finita ci siamo. dal
La festa è finita Ci siamo. Dal marzo prossimo inizio un nuovo lavoro, uno "serio" mica 'sta roba qui Rientro nei ranghi, ovvero: di giorno non ci sarò più. Non Leggi ancora
amore caro, amore bello io mi rifletto
Amore caro, amore bello io mi rifletto in te. Se tu non fossi io non esisterei. Sono soltanto una luce riflessa, una luce riflessa in questo amore, da questo bellissimo amore. Leggi ancora
ancora una volta e per sempre: navigare
Ancora una volta e per sempre: navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse. In questo mare ineluttabile il vento non dà tregua: raffiche violente sollevano spruzzi di acqua salata, offerta Leggi
proust nel gulag
la plus grande partie, de l'art encore, d'y introduire comme plusieurs "épaisseurs" d'art: au lieu de photographies de la cathédrale de Chartres, des grandes eaux de Saint-cloud, du Vésuve, elle
Goliath Par Richard Vantielcke, mercredi 14 février 2007 à
Goliath Par Richard Vantielcke, mercredi 14 février 2007 à 14:45 :: Ombre & lumière Le lieu change, les photos restent les mêmes ! En grand sur
jugement 1
de même sorte. Le départ éloigné de la matière morte Fait son rond et retourne encore en même lieu, Et ce tour sent toujours la présence de Dieu. Ainsi le changement ne sera la fin nôtre, Il nous
non so perchè ma questa immagine
Non so perchè ma questa immagine non mi trasmette paura. Dovrebbe? Non dovrebbe? E questa invece? Cosa ti trasmette? Leggi ancora

Artist offers painting in lieu of seat belt ticket WPRI 12 Providence
A Seekonk artist is proving to be an artful negotiator. Instead of cash, he's offering up one of his paintings to pay for a traffic ticket. Robert Rossi was pulled over on Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence several weeks ago. He's accused of not wearing his seat belt.
Pittsfield City man held in alleged assault Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — A man who allegedly assaulted his girlfriend and threatened to kill her was ordered held in lieu of $5,000 cash yesterday in Central Berkshire District Court.
Fired Police Mechanic Faces Child Rape Charges WCVB via Yahoo! News
Up until five months ago he was repairing and maintaining their cruisers. Thursday night Quincy police officers knocked on the door of former co-worker James Brancaccio with handcuffs and an arrest warrant.
Dundee Wealth Management Inc. Declares Regular Preferred Share Dividend Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
Dundee Wealth Management Inc. and Dundee Corporation announced today that the board of directors of Dundee Corporation has agreed to accept common shares of Dundee Wealth in lieu of payment in cash of a quarterly dividend payable on the 5.4 million $10 par value 6% First Preference Shares, Series X, of Dundee Wealth owned by Dundee Corporation.
Doctors wary on costly insurance plans CNN Money
'Consumer-directed' plans characterized by high deductibles risk compromising patient care by discouraging preventive medicine.
Old Hand, Old Result The New York Sun
UNITED NATIONS — In lieu of taking of action in Iraq, the United Nations has a host of functions in the country. It has a representative in Baghdad. It coordinates Iraq's foreign policy. It even searches for weapons of mass destruction. Is it a bird? A plane? No, it's a mirage in the desert. On Friday, Secretary-General Ban appointed a man who is as much a part of the crumbling structure at
Act fast if behind on mortgage San Francisco Chronicle
Though our housing market remains stronger than many, the Bay Area has not been immune to rising foreclosure activity. Between January 2006 and January 2007, every Bay Area county except Marin saw a rise in foreclosure actions, according to RealtyTrac.
New Releases: Korn, Biggie, Arcade Fire, Relient K, !!!, Air & More MTV Music Television
Who needs Guns N' Roses when there's Korn, the Arcade Fire and even Notorious B.I.G. to fry up the record racks?
Mom in starving case gets 4 years The Columbus Dispatch
NEWARK, Ohio — Moments after she pleaded guilty, apologized and received a four-year prison term, a Newark mother convicted of starving her mentally disabled teenage son finally broke down.
State Senate will pay respects to lawmaker who died Sunday The Indianapolis Star
Members of the state Senate will set aside a few moments before going into session today to pay their respects to Sen. Anita Bowser with comments on the floor of the Senate.lieu: lieu seminaire | | lieu seminaire | | lieu