Xen and VT cuts Windows hosting costs The Register
Better virtualisation means cheaper dedicated Windows servers, claims ISP The cost of dedicated Windows server hosting is set to tumble, thanks to XenSource's support for Windows. That's the claim of UK service provider Memset, which has added Windows to its range of virtual servers.…
FLV Hosting Signs with Punch! Web Host Industry Review
November 15, 2006 -- Web hosting provider FLV Hosting, announced on Monday it has entered into an agreement with software distributor Punch! Software to provide a custom branded FLV Player for use on every CD of Punch! products.
Cirrus Tech Updates VPS Solution Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Cirrus Tech (cirrushosting.com) announced on Wednesday it has upgraded its VPS hosting solutions.
Webhost Automation Releases Helm 4 Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Webhost Automation announced on Wednesday it has launched the full release of Helm 4, a control panel for Web hosts available exclusively on the Microsoft platform.
Planet-EV1Servers Updates Servers Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Web hosting provider The Planet-EV1 Servers announced on Wednesday it has added three high-performance dedicated servers to its data center line-up.
LoadSpring Solutions Grows Revenue by 68% in First Half of 2006 Compared to Start of 2005 Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
LAWRENCE, Mass.----LoadSpring Solutions, a leading provider of application management and hosting systems for remote connectivity, today announced record sales for the first half of 2006, showing over 60% growth.
Newly upgraded VPS hosting solutions: Web Host Directory
In the past couple of years the demand for virtual private servers has grown enormously.
Ensim Expands Hosting Software Web Host Industry Review
November 13, 2006 -- Web hosting automation software developer Ensim announced on Monday it is adding Windows mobile direct push technology to support mobile services, as well as device wipe support, to its Ensim Unify Platform.
SWsoft Releases Virtuozzo Updates Web Host Industry Review
November 14, 2006 -- Automation and virtualization software provider SWsoft announced on Tuesday it has released updated Linux and Windows versions of its Virtuozzo server virtualization software.
The Planet-EV1Servers Adds High-Performance Systems to Meet Customers' Most Demanding Hosting Requirements Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
HOUSTON----Providing customers with server choices to meet their most processing-intensive requirements, The Planet-EV1Servers today announced the addition of three high-performance servers to its world-class data center line-up.
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Italia SW » Archivio » Nuovo Hosting Provider
Finalmente, dopo aver cambiato la bellezza di 2 hosting provider ed aver tenuto RoutHost: Il mio nuovo Hosting Provider Utilizzerai Windows Vista?
ho un sito sviluppato e funzionante per un server windows 2000, ma fortunatamente residente su alcuni provider che adottano la politica della struttura