How to Make Your Web Site Sing for You New York Times
Your Web site is like a digital business card, designers say, the first online look at your company that a customer gets. With luck, it will not be the last.
Office Live leaves beta with ad-purchasing service InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - As expected, Microsoft Corp.'s Office Live hosting service for small businesses emerged from beta Wednesday with a test version of a new service that allows users to purchase online advertising for Microsoft's search engines. U.S. customers now can access Office Live here . The service gives small businesses a Web site as well as providing basic management, worker
Tips for bringing e-mail, web site hosting inhouse Tech Republic
A DMZ, or perimeter network, is a good way to provide extra security to your internal LAN, but some DMZ designs are more scalable than others. Keep future growth in mind as you plan the initial deployment, and you'll save time and effort in the future.
Laurels to libraries, Edison's forum and student council The Daily Targum
Despite the impact of budget cuts felt University-wide, the Rutgers University Libraries have been improving information access and communication for students throughout the University. Recently, the library Web site has added access to two music databases - allowing students access to articles and commentary from music journals, as well as information on more than 140,000 musical sources.
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Review: Google Analytics Blogcritics.org
Who’s visiting your website? How did they get there? And what are they doing once they get there? Those are questions you probably ask if you control a website, either as a blog author, webmaster, or website owner. If you rent space at a web hosting company, you probably get some sort of free usage statistics report. Typically, these work by parsing your web server's usage log, which keeps
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"ParallelKnoppix is a modified Knoppix live CD designed for use in creating HPC clusters. You can start up PK on multiple nodes to run a cluster, and customize PK to add or remove applications.
Microsoft Launches Office Live Out Of Beta ChannelWeb
The service for small business offers online Web design, ad management, customer information and sales management, integration with Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007, and tools for eBay, PayPal and credit monitoring through Equifax.
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Solar Powered Web Site Host AISO.Net has been selected by Inc. Magazine as one of the Top 50 Green Companies.
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