Google Rankings: Dedicated IP Address or Virtual Hosting with
If your ISP does virtual hosting correctly, you’ll never see a difference between the two cases. We do see a small percentage of ISPs every month that misconfigure their virtual hosting, which might account for this persistent
mod_perl and mass virtual hosting or a mod_vhost alternative
hi, i would like to make my own vhost modules in modperl. i tried some other modules but i cannot seem to get them to work or they do not support en
go daddy vps deicated virtual hosting
i am writing most of the errors and solutions that i encounter with my godaddy vps hosting package. i am doing this to help other webmasters who might need a hand. are you thinking about using godaddy for your vps needs? there is one
Myth busting: virtual hosts vs. dedicated IP addresses
I hear that there was recently a discussion on a NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) email list about virtual hosting vs. dedicated IP addresses. They were commenting on the misconception that having multiple sites hosted on
webmail, application and virtual hosting databases, and friend
or virtual hosting (and friend) will be unable to connect to the database briefly. webmail will be put into maintenance mode, allowing users to still read and send email, but their preferences and addressbooks will be unavailable.
re: virtual host in one confluence instanse + apache virtual host
if you want to vote for virtual hosting support in confluence, see this issue: http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/conf-1002
Dedicated IP Addresses Not Necessary
No, your website will not be penalised, nor rewarded, for being on a named-based virtual hosting, or on its own dedicated IP address. Links to virtually hosted domains are treated the same as links to domains on dedicated IP addresses.
virtual host not working?!
use name-based virtual hosting. # namevirtualhost # where do we put the lock and pif files? lockfile "/var/lock/httpd.lock" coredumpdirectory "/etc/httpd" . . . . <virtualhost>
virtual hosting on amazon
just for fun, i decided to experiment a bit with hosting some of the files from here through amazon’s s3, which i’ve talked about before. first, this meant i had to create an s3 “bucket†to hold the files. then i had to create a
The first entry 1 shows us an existing
interface (see brconfig(8)) vlanX Virtual LAN interface (see vlan(4)) greX Encapsulation with high quality and reliable webspace provider to host and run your jsp hosting application check Virtualwebstudio jsp web hosting provider
Virtual Hosting
Each Resin instance can serve many virtual hosts. The virtual host will have its own servlets and documents. For greater isolation, you can configure each
Apache Virtual Host documentation - Apache HTTP Server
Apache was one of the first servers to support IP-based virtual hosts right out of Mass Virtual Hosting · In-Depth Discussion of Virtual Host Matching
Voxel Dot Net
Voxel Dot Net provides high availability clustered hosting, voip termination and Overview» Virtual PBX for Business» Termination and Origination
What is virtual hosting? - a definition from Whatis.com
On the Internet, virtual hosting is the provision of Web server hosting service so that a company (or individual) doesn't have to purchase and maintain its
Zope.org - Virtual Hosting Services
Zope comes with two objects that help you do virtual hosting, If you want to do virtual hosting in Zope, you should almost certainly be using a Virtual
Virtual web hosting FAQ
Addressing the challenge of responsible Internet resource distribution in the Asia Pacific region.
.:| Virtual Hosting / it |:. / November 7, 2006, 2:36 am Virtual
Virtual Hosting , November 7, 2006, 2:36 am ,PPK PC-Service / Webprogramm / Gordevio Svizzerland Ticino.
Shared web hosting service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In name-based virtual hosting, also called shared IP hosting, the virtual hosts serve multiple hostnames on a single machine with a single IP address.