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Windows PowerShell for UNIX shell addicted person
UNIX/Linux Shell shortcuts to save typing, toil, and time; About; Shell/Shell scripting: Useless Use of Cat Award; How to become a better blogger with Linux or UNIX; How do I secure and audit shell access with Enterprise Audit Shell?
Testing on UNIX-Getting Started
One more advantage in UNIX is that a job can be run in the background in the same shell whereas in windows this is not possible. So one can write a piece of shell-script and keep running the same in the background that would work just
The Top Ten Unix Shell Commands You Use [Update]
IBM has a nice article called UNIX productivity tips. The article mentions this one-liner, which shows the shell commands you use most often: $ history|awk '{print $2}'|awk 'BEGIN {FS="|"} {print $1}'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn|head -10 471
test analyst / unix shell / pl/sql
test analyst with strong unix shell scripting and pl/sql required for major finance company. you will be responsible for writing complex ?awk? scripts, producing test plans and test scripts based on the functional specification as well
xsi/posix only shell ? was re: type builtin in posix-only shell
comp.unix.shell: xsi/posix only shell ? was re: type builtin in posix-only shell and re: strictly posix shell mod
unix newbie shell script - need help
comp.unix.shell: unix newbie shell script - need help
have a shell script check for a file to exist before processing
comp.unix.shell: have a shell script check for a file to exist before processing another file
how to have a shell script write a log file with a function
comp.unix.shell: how to have a shell script write a log file with a function
montowanie ntfs
comp.unix.shell: montowanie ntfs
REAP and its kissin' cousin memes
It’sa short term aberration that it is easier to google (shall we take the verb :-) then to use Windows help or man in a Unix shell. Now let’s go on to the final taste, with the buzz on from the two deeper darks, we’re now into party

An Introduction to the Unix Shell
This memorandum describes, with examples, the UNIX shell. The first section covers most of the everyday requirements of terminal users.
Unix Shell Scripts
In Unix there are several shells that can be used, the C shell ( csh and its extension, the T C shell tcsh), the Bourne Shell (sh and its extensions the
Unix-Shell - Wikipedia
Die Bourne-Shell-Syntax ist Grundlage der meisten modernen Unix-Shells, Auch auf fremden Betriebssystemen kann man oft eine Unix-Shell, zumindest als
UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell (Monthly Posting)
It is posted monthly to the USENET newsgroups comp.unix.shell, How to change your shell If you ever look at a UNIX manual page it will say that to
UNIX Shell Script Tutorials & Reference
Richard's Demon Unix Site provides useful lookup info for unix users and shell scripters.

Unix-Shell - Wikipedia
Die Bourne-Shell-Syntax ist Grundlage der meisten modernen Unix-Shells, Auch auf fremden Betriebssystemen kann man oft eine Unix-Shell, zumindest als
UNIX shell differences and how to change your shell (Monthly Posting)
It is posted monthly to the USENET newsgroups comp.unix.shell, How to change your shell If you ever look at a UNIX manual page it will say that to
UNIX Shell Script Tutorials & Reference
Richard's Demon Unix Site provides useful lookup info for unix users and shell scripters.
Corso di Laboratorio di Sistemi Operativi A.A. 2003/2004 - La
01/10/03: introduzione alla shell, tipi di shell, organizzazione dei file, 02/10/03: i metacaratteri della shell Unix, abbreviazione del pathname,
Heiner's SHELLdorado
UNIX shell scripting resource with many shell script examples, tips and tricks, advanced shell scripting articles and links to many shell script tutorials
La shell di Unix
La shell di Unix. Un tipico comando Unix · Come cavarsela da soli · Memorizzare le informazioni · Vedere le directory con ls · La directory corrente e
Unix Shell-Programmierung
Unix Shell-Programmierung. Bourne-Shell. Shell-Scripts; Parameter; Variable; if; test; while; read; expr; for; case; exit; I-O-Redirection und Pipes
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
of UNIX® wisdom and lore. It serves as a textbook, a manual for self-study, and a reference and source of knowledge on shell scripting techniques.
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