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Internet file fer: dos2ux: Converts DOS format text > Unix format: DU: Displays disk usage for directory tree: egrep: Searches file for string, using extended regular expression
Internet con il DOS
tutto autonomo), e di accedere al WWW, mandare e ricevere e-mail, trasferire file È una versione per DOS del programma Lynx per Unix. È essenzialmente un browser html, ma consente anche
Save a text file in Unix dos style or unix style
Save a text file in Unix dos style or unix style . Question: I've got a DOS style text file on my Linux box, when I open it in vi and save it, vi reports 'saved (dos
Unix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
evolved into VMS directories, CP/M 's volumes evolved into MS-DOS 2.0 A fundamental simplifying assumption of Unix was its focus on ASCII text for nearly all of its file formats
TB Unix Cheat Sheet
A Unix script is a text file of commands that can be executed, like a .bat file in DOS. Unix contains a powerful programming language with loops and variables that I don't really understand
UNIX command summary
multiple files into one or vice-versa lharc, lzh, lha . un-arc'ers, may not be on your system dos2unix (file) (new) - strips CR's out of dos text files unix2dos (file) (new) - adds CR's to unix
DataConv: Conversion Tools: UniX - DOS - MAC
unix2dos - UNIX to DOS text file format converter. platform: Linux. tofrodos. Converts text files from CR/LF to LF, and vice-versa, platform: Linux. xchange. utility to convert UNIX text to DOS and vica vers
ASCII text converstion between UNIX, Macintosh, MS-DOS
95 programs can recognize Unix text file newlines, so it is usually not too much problem going the other way by using Unix text files in MS-DOS. If you edit a Mac-style text file in Unix
Tip #26 - Getting rid of ^M - mixing dos and unix : vim online
set ff=unix //to unix file :set ff=dos //to windows file: arnovenner@yahoo.com, January 22 or command I must add in my CONTROL FILE (ctl) to indicate to him that in the text file the
IP Developer HOWTO for FAQ's and HOWTO's: Commands, Unix -vs- Dos
The "d2u" command converts a Dos - Windows - Mac file to the Unix format. Unix files do not contain carrige return More is a filter for paging through text one screenful at a time. This version is

Converting a DOS or MAC Text File to UNIX Format - Managing your
Converting a DOS or MAC Text File to UNIX Format. If you are given a text file which is in DOS or MAC format it may show up as having odd characters at the
Tip #26 - Getting rid of ^M - mixing dos and unix : vim online
I experienced that this will only work on correct unix/dos files. because a linebreak should normally always be at the end of a text file.
How do I convert between Unix and Windows text files? - Knowledge Base
The format of Windows and Unix text files differs slightly. In Windows, lines end with both the line feed With FTP from DOS, how do I fer files?
Guida EFF: Aggiornamento 2
I computer Unix, MS-DOS e Macintosh gestiscono la fine delle linee di testo in modo diverso. Ciò significa che quando scarichi un file di testo (come una
docs.sun.com: Wabi 2.2 User's Guide -it
Conversione di un file di testo DOS in un file di testo UNIX Il solo nome di file UNIX che si adatta al formato del nome di file DOS è scritto in

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