3. annex a - the strategic context
make europe a more attractive place to invest and work knowledge and innovation will be the beating european and national sustainable communities policy to be completed housing and the built environment - high quality buildings
work worth doing: an interview with lorraine gauthier and alex quinto
threatening ocean circulation patterns and europe's climate. but from a mexico city. whether we’re working on sustainable housing in toronto or illegal wwd: now house has been an online resource of green building materials
work worth doing
threatening ocean circulation patterns and europe's climate. but from a city. whether we’re working on sustainable housing in toronto or illegal ibc: what do you hope will be the result of a project like the now house? do
un shelter agency opens office in warsaw
the united nations agency charged with promoting socially and environmentally sustainable housing has opened an office in warsaw, the polish capital, to serve central and eastern europe as the region deals with the urban poverty that
themertonrule.org news round up
with new housing developments requiring renewable generation capacity and communities to the sustainable development of those countries in which it operates. energy and energy efficiency in central and eastern europe more
Wall Street Breakfast for Nov. 15, 2006
Commentary: Housing Stocks' Recent Runup -- Sustainable? • The NAR Tries to Sell the Lack of Home Sales • Housing Stocks: Watching the RSI And, the sources say, Boeing also has tentative deals with carriers in Europe and Asia for an
can the us learn from the slow city movement?
with its emphasis on good food, sustainable living, and local community, the slow city movement is spreading across europe. but what potential is there for the movement to make the jump across the atlantic?
environmental markets newsletter archive :: november 9, 2006
the aviation industry should be included in europe's existing emissions trading system a housing developer in northeastern pennsylvania is the state's first buyer of us sustainable energy corp. releases full spectrum analysis on
rising urban migration in eastern europe prompts un shelter
the united nations agency charged with promoting socially and environmentally sustainable housing has opened an office in warsaw, the polish capital
November 2006 Planners’ Calendar
NYU Law School/Wagner School websites – The NYC Housing & Neighborhood to accelerate the development of an equitable & sustainable housing program. reach head Veronique Bugnion examine the European experience & the developing NE
L’edilizia sostenibile è un settore in grande espansione e che
Nell’ambito del progetto SHE: Sustainable Housing in Europe, sono previste alcune attività di divulgazione, fra le quali Federabitazione Europe ha
EUROPA - Research - Environment - Demonstrating the benefits of
SHE (Sustainable Housing in Europe) addresses this problem through a series of pilot projects that are demonstrating the feasibility of sustainable housing
A Bologna il progetto SHE, Sustainable Housing in Europe - Energie
Ad Ozzano, in provincia di Bologna, proseguono i lavori per la realizzazione di alloggi ecosostenibili. Si tratta dell’intervento di edilizia residenziale
AeV architetti ==Abbate e Vigevano ==
09.30-13.30 Iniziative ecocompatibili in Europa / European Sustainable Initiatives La Conferenza biennale dell’European Housing and Ecology Network è
European Green Cities Net (EGCN)
EC Calls for Sustainable Housing. Intelligent Energy - Europe Intelligent Energy - Europe (IEE) is the EC’s support programme for non-technological actions
AeV architetti ==Abbate e Vigevano ==
09.30-13.30 Iniziative ecocompatibili in Epa / Epean Sustainable Initiatives La Conferenza biennale dell’Epean Housing and Ecology Network è
Epean Green Cities Net (EGCN)
EC Calls for Sustainable Housing. Intelligent Energy Epe Intelligent Energy Epe (IEE) is the EC’s support programme for non-technological actions
Epean Commission Research: Environment Demonstrating the
A number of obstacles are limiting the amount of sustainable housing that is being constructed in Epe. The SHE (Sustainable Housing in Epe) project is
Foreningen Bæredygtige Byer og Bygninger Sustainable Housing in
50 of theese houses are part of an Epean project called SHE: Sustainable Housing in Epe. The projectleader is Federabitazione Epe Confcooperatione,
Partner Search Request: Sustainable Housing in Epe on the
Sustainable Housing in Epe on the ManagEnergy Website promoting renewable energy, rational use of energy, energy saving, clean port,
EASW: Even and Doen: Italy
Scenarios of local sustainable management for Pubblic housing neighbourhood, Use of Epean Awareness Scenario Workshop methodology in the framework of
Low Impact Housing ~ Resources
REGEN, Regeneration and New Construction in Social Housing in Epe www.regen-link.org. SBIS, Sustainable Building Information System
1 FINAL COMMUNIQUE 1. The 3rd Epean Ministers conference on
The 3rd Epean Ministers conference on sustainable housing took place in a Epean Prize for Sustainable Housing that rewards (re) applicable