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Chinese surge onto online site Wikipedia after Beijing lifts INQ7.net
BEIJING -- China has unblocked access to the Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia after a ban of more than a year, in a move Chinese Web surfers and free speech advocates welcomed Friday. But some watchers of China's extensive censorship regime had doubts the site would not be banned again.
Location Counts: eLearning Site Localedu.com Helps Students Choose University PR Web
Research shows that college success may be tied to geographic location. A recent report by the College Student Journal revealed significant learning differences between a Midwestern school and a Western university. These findings suggest that students should take a close look at location before choosing a school. LocalEdu.com, a resource site that helps students find distance learning programs
City asks residents to suggest Lynn Road noise, traffic solutions The Thousand Oaks Acorn
Residents who can suggest solutions to traffic and noise problems on Lynn Road are invited to meet with the city's traffic and portation advisory committee at 7:30 p.m. Wed., Nov. 29 in the Civic Arts Plaza Board Room.
Microsoft Live Search & Firefox Snooping on Search Queries Search Engine Journal
Bill Slawski of SEO by the SEA looks at Microsoft Live Search and the Firefox Browser and how these companies are harnessing their web browsing and desktop applications to monitor search queries and then ’suggest’ them to the same user from their own search boxes. You can see query suggestions in action at Microsoft’s Windows Live []
Why and How to Submit Your Site to DMOZ WebProNews
There has been an idea floating around that getting listed in DMOZ is the main criterion, whether a site is successful or not. Let's see whether it is really true and how you can get your site listed in DMOZ, too. About DMOZ DMOZ (Open Directory Project) is the largest human edited directory on the web. It lists only quality websites and has strict editorial standards for inclusion.
Latest deaths Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Post-Gazette's comprehensive listings of recent deaths include two types of obituaries. News obituaries , prepared by our staff, are published at the discretion of our editors. Links to staff-written obituaries contain the individual's name. To suggest a news obituary, call 412-263-1601.
A new cool, cruel spy fans will love Philadelphia Daily News
If you've wanted James Bond to stop modeling clothes and start breaking bones again, "Casino Royale" is the movie for you. In the opening few minutes of the new prequel, 007 beats a guy to death with his bare hands and caps another. He spends the next five minutes chasing a bomber through a construction site (like Jackie Chan, without the aversion to guns), getting more exercise in one sequence
Gamers battle the elements to get new PS3 CNN Money
Some shoppers have camped in line for more than two days to be first in U.S. to get hot new video game system.
Sony launches PlayStation 3 in U.S. amid frenzy Reuters via Yahoo! News
Gamers lined up by the thousands early on Friday, aiming to be one of the first in the United States to buy Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3, the multimedia and video game machine that is key to the future of the beleaguered electronics and media conglomerate.
Inside Slant USA Today
Cincinnati Bengals

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