INetU Upgrades Server Processors Web Host Industry Review
November 15, 2006 -- Managed hosting provider INetU Managed Hosting announced on Tuesday it has upgraded the processors used in its managed dedicated server line by offering Intel Core 2 Duo and Xeon Woodcrest Processor Technology.
SoftLayer Launches Intel Quad Core Servers Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
DALLAS----Today, on-demand hosting provider, SoftLayer Technologies, announced the addition of Intel's new Clovertown Quad Core Xeon Servers. "The expansion of our Xeon server line to include quad core processors gives our customers an upgrade path to meet any growth cycle," said Sam Fleitman, Chief Operating Officer at SoftLayer.
Xen and VT cuts Windows hosting costs The Register
Better virtualisation means cheaper dedicated Windows servers, claims ISP The cost of dedicated Windows server hosting is set to tumble, thanks to XenSource's support for Windows. That's the claim of UK service provider Memset, which has added Windows to its range of virtual servers.…
Web Host Easy CGI Upgrades Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PHP TopHosts.com
Hosting provider Easy CGI announced upgrades to versions of Microsoft SQL Server MySQL and PHP for customers. All shared hosting plans will include these new versions
HTTPCity Expands Hosted Offerings Web Host Industry Review
November 15, 2006 -- Web hosting provider HTTPCity said Wednesday it has upgraded its service to include additional plans, a new server cluster, new subscriber benefits and new site management software.
GNi Relocates Sun Microsystems to New Hosting Facilities Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SAN JOSE, Calif.----Global Netoptex, Inc. , a leading provider of customer-centric managed services, today announced it has completed relocating Sun Microsystems' 250 servers and switches from its hosting facilities in San Jose to new facilities at 365 Main in San Francisco.
HTTPCity Celebrates Re-Launch with Upgraded Plans, 10 Cent Offer W3Reports
HTTPCity, a provider of shared and reseller Web hosting solutions, announced today it has upgraded its service offerings, including additional plan choices, a new server cluster, new exclusive subscriber benefits, and extensive new site managemen
Cirrus Tech Updates VPS Solution Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Cirrus Tech (cirrushosting.com) announced on Wednesday it has upgraded its VPS hosting solutions.
Prolexic Technologies Announces Being Wrongly Accused of Hosting Gambling Web Site Web Host Directory
Earlier today, New York authorities issued a 33-count indictment regarding an illegal online gambling operation. Prolexic Technologies, which provides Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) solutions, was named in the indictment as the Web host provider to an Internet sportsbook.
Webhost Automation Releases Helm 4 Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Webhost Automation announced on Wednesday it has launched the full release of Helm 4, a control panel for Web hosts available exclusively on the Microsoft platform.
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Nei casi più complessi sarà possibile invece agganciare uno o più Hosting Server al sofisticato motore di gestione del modulo Provider Suite.
Netcraft: Netcraft Hosting Provider Server Count Available
Netcraft Hosting Provider Server Count Available. Netcraft has developed a technique for identifying the number of computers [rather than IP addresses]
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Euronet Communications - Web Presence Provider - Servizi Internet
Communications è associata ad Associazione Italiana Internet Provider I servizi di Web Hosting di Euronet sono tutto quello che vi serve per avere una
Petra Hosting Server
Nei casi più complessi sarà possibile invece agganciare uno o più Hosting Server al sofisticato motore di gestione del modulo Provider Suite.
Netcraft: Netcraft Hosting Provider Server Count Available
Netcraft Hosting Provider Server Count Available. Netcraft has developed a technique for identifying the number of computers [rather than IP addresses]
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Host Europe, ein führender Internet Hosting Provider in Deutschland, Für Server Hosting gilt weiterhin: Für Server L - XXL 3.0 und Sun Server gilt der
Hosting, registrazione domini, realizzazione pagine web - ETICOWEB
ETICOWEB nasce dalla volontà di creare un Hosting Provider Etico, sensibile alle Chi voglia avere completa autonomia nella gestione di un server,
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