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Ballmer on Novell, Linux and patents
Q: "My question is about your deal with Novell and Linux. I thought Windows and Linux were trying to stay apart, and now I see you as kind of siding with the How many people would have Linux someplace in your data center?
Download of the Day: FinchSync Windows/Mac/Linux
Windows/Mac/Linux: Free, open source app FinchSync synchronizes your Pocket PC/Smartphone with contacts, appointments, and tasks from Thunderbird and the Mozilla calendar (whether you're using Mozilla Sunbird or the calendar extension
A closer look at Oracle's support and indemnification offerings
I had a few minutes to burn today, so I did what I'm sure you were doing: I read the Oracle Enterprise Linux Services Agreement. It's funny what you find when you start digging around in the legalese that governs the Big Announcement
Distribution Release: Linux Mint 2.0
Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-based distribution whose goal is to provide a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including Linux Mint 2.0, code name "Barbara", was released yesterday: "This release is based on Ubuntu 6.10 and uses.
Linux I've been using Linux for many years now, a
I've been using Linux for many years now, and currently using Fedora Core 6. For about as long as I've been a Linux user, there have been the ever-recurring articles, blogs, announcements about how some widespread adoption of Linux is
Hacking SUSE Linux 10.1 - howtos and tips/tricks collection
When you’re done installing SUSE Linux 10.1 OSS, your desktop system is not Here’s how to effectively make SUSE Linux 10.1 into the perfect desktop OS. SUSE Linux 10.1 OSS — as the name implies — is comprised entirely of free,
Development Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Beta 2
Red Hat has announced the second beta release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5: "Red Hat is pleased to announce the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 has been developed in close cooperation with the Fedora Core 6 and.
Samba team not happy with Novell-Microsoft move
The Samba team, which makes software to let Linux access remote Windows shares, has expressed its concerns over the recent patent agreement between Novell and Microsoft. Samba regards the deal as "divisive", potentially causing a rift
Point-of-sale device runs Linux from flash
One of the first POS (point-of-sale) equipment vendors to adopt Linux will now become one of the first to offer solid-state storage. Wincor Nixdorf's new X-Series, due in January, will be offered with an Msystems mModule uDOC embedded

GNU/Linux - Wikipedia
Fino a poco tempo fa (e in parte ancora oggi), chi utilizzava GNU/Linux doveva possedere una solida cultura informatica di base ed essere in grado
Linux.com: The Enterprise Linux Resource
A Linux portal and directory.
Debian GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system. It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer their
Linux e Pill-o-Linux: risorse, articoli e newsletter su Linux e
Spiegazioni semplici, trucchi divertenti, consigli vari e informazioni importanti sul fantastico mondo di Linux. Anche nella tua casella di posta
Linux facile
Un manuale realizzato per facilitare l'approccio dei newbie a Linux.
Welcome - Ubuntu: Linux for human beings
LPI Ubuntu Professional exams available for a reduced price at Linux World Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both
The Linux Kernel Archives
This is the primary site for the Linux kernel source.
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