Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
Windows Server 2003 Case Study: GoDaddy.com See how and why the world's largest domain name registrar switched from Linux to Windows. The Microsoft .NET Framework provided a better, more robust development environment than Linux, making it easier for Go Daddy engineers to build quality products.
European Web Hosters Look to Windows eWeek
European hosting firms say Microsoft has come a long way, especially with its focus on security, management and delivering automation, making its solutions attractive to them.
FLV Hosting Signs with Punch! Web Host Industry Review
November 15, 2006 -- Web hosting provider FLV Hosting, announced on Monday it has entered into an agreement with software distributor Punch! Software to provide a custom branded FLV Player for use on every CD of Punch! products.
FLV Hosting Enters Into Agreement With Punch! SoftwareR Web Host Directory
FSBO Media Holdings, Inc. wholly owned subsidiary FLV Hosting has entered into an agreement with major software distributor Punch! Software® www.punchsoftware.com to provide a custom branded FLV Player for use on every CD of Punch! Software® products.
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
"NFS has traditionally been a semi-robust method of sharing files between Unix-based computers. The IETF has been working on NFSv4 since early 2000, and implementations have finally started springing up everywhere.
Symbian OS surges past 100 million mark EETimes
Symbian Ltd reported Thursday that shipments of smartphones using its eponymous operating system have topped the 100 million market, with Symbian-equipped handsets in the hands of customers of more than 250 network operators worldwide.
WORRY, Stanley Alan Suddenly on Monday, November 13th 2006 in his 70th year; Orangeville Citizen
WORRY, Stanley Alan Suddenly on Monday, November 13th 2006 in his 70th year; loving husband of Marnie; dear father of Patti; cherished grampa of Nick, Jon and Zack; beloved son of Dorothy and the late Oscar Worry; remem-bered by his brother Jack and his wife Mary; son-in-law of Vera Jemmett; predeceased by his brother Don.
The Next Generation RedNova
By Padgett, Lauree In Other Words For all you Trekkies: Don't get too excited. This column isn't about those who served on the Starship Enterprise.
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
"CitiStreet, a Quincy, Mass., corporate benefits provider, was founded in 2000. A year later it was already outgrowing its proprietary Unix-based network infrastructure.
Microsoft's Zune player to hit US stores ARNnet
Microsoft's competitor to Apple Computer's iPod will hit US retail shelves as expected on Tuesday, ensuring at least one of Microsoft's major product releases this year will be available to consumers in time for the busy Christmas shopping season.
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Hosting Solutions - Web hosting Windows NT, 2000, .NET e Linux
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Hosting Solutions tabella comparativa dei piani Windows
Tabelle comparative dei piani hosting. Hosting Windows · Silver 2000 Reloaded MS SQL Server 2000. NO. opz. opz. opz. ASP.NET DB Manager
Open Directory - World: Italiano: Computer: Aziende: Internet: Hosting
HostingPlan.net - Hosting su sistemi Unix e Windows 2000. IT Host Company SA - Hosting provider specializzato su piattaforme windows 2000 e windows 2003
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