ASP .NET Web Hosting
ASP.NET web hosting is the latest technologies from Microsoft, which develops web applications significantly easier with far less code than with classic ASP, and ASP.NET pages work in all browsers.- By Compare Webhosts
Looking for ASP.NET hosting recommendations
It's getting slower and slower while people seem to be runnig away from them. So I'm looking for ASP.NET hosting recommendations. I need to host at least 3 domains with DotnetNuke, CommunityServer, MS SQL, MySQL, nothing special.
debugging pl/sql from asp.net and visual studio
before i start - a brief word about the way oracle's pl/sql debugging architecture when you need to debug pl/sql from asp.net, if you are using the "asp.net environment.setenvironmentvariable("ora_debug_jdwp", "host=mymachine
Upcoming talks
Microsoft is arranging a asp.net focused event, Dev Days 2006, in Stockholm december 5th. I have agreed to talk about databinding in ASP.NET 2.0. way to give non-planning swedes rides to airports), Kevlin Henney, and a host of others
discountasp.net opens control panel
pasadena, california - (website hosting directory) - november 2, 2006 - asp.net and sql hosting firm, discountasp.net, has launched an open control panel initiative, with a beta control panel web service api, designed to enable
need asp.net and sql server 2005 hosting
wondered if anyone had a recommendation from their own experience for asp.net 2.0 and sql server 2005 hosting. thanks
WebHostForASP.NET Launches WordPress
Texas - October 29, 2006 - Web Host For ASP.NET, MSSQL Express Web Hosting leader, announces the launch of WordPress, personal publishing and blogging platform, in their control panel. Again, WebHostForASP.NET inserted new components
recommendations on asp.net 2.0 + sql web host for dev. testing?
my latest app is fast approaching needing some real world testing. it requires asp.net 2.0 and an ms sql or firebird server. i'd like to test it under "real world" conditions with net lag etc so i'm looking for an inexpensive yet
microsoft windows web hosting
asp.net administration (iis 6.0). the microsoft asp.net hosting advantage. iis. preview iis 7.0; iis 6.0 product information. technorati tags: microsoft solution for windows-based hosting, sql server 2005, asp.net 2.0, iis
asp.net hosting
choosing a web hosting deployment scenario today, most hosters differentiate themselves based on price, level of service, or product offerings. differentiation with product offerings depends on what infrastructure the service provider
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WebMasterPoint.org - Manuale di SQL
Sezione asp (active server page). Centinaia di script da scaricare, manuali teoria e Microsoft presenta le beta di .NET Framework 3.0 e ASP.NET AJAX
Ricerca hosting asp.net | ASP.NET 2.0 | .NET Framework - I
Salve a tutti, sono nuovo con asp.net e quindi anche con l'hosting di piuttosto assicurati che sia dato l'accesso via Sql Server Menagement Studio.
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Hosting Solutions - ASP.NET 2
Hosting per siti con ASP .NET 2.0 .NET Framework 2.0 HostingSolutions® è lieta di annunciare http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/sql/default.aspx
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Windows web hosting : ASP, .NET, MS Access, SQL hosting plans
Cheap web hosting providers that offer low cost Windows 2000 / 2003 Server based website hosting services that support ASP, ASP.NET, MS SQL Server, PHP,