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Microsoft pushes out Office Live Infomatics
Microsoft has launched the US version of its Office Live service, which offers hosted email and web hosting services to small businesses. Microsoft on 21 November plans to release test versions of the service in the UK, France, Germany and Japan.
Microsoft takes Office Live out of beta TG Daily
Microsoft today announced the final version of Office Live, an online productivity suite that assists small business in setting up websites, manage business tasks and purchase advertising on Live.com. The basic service offers free domain registration and free web hosting.
Microsoft Launches Office Live Out Of Beta ChannelWeb
The service for small business offers online Web design, ad management, customer information and sales management, integration with Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007, and tools for eBay, PayPal and credit monitoring through Equifax.
OpenAddict: Has Microsoft Conceded the Desktop OS Market to Linux? Linux Today
"The Windows Vista project began life in 2001 as Codename Longhorn and was originally planned to be an interim 2003 release between Windows XP and the next major Windows OS. Microsoft developers kept adding features to Longhorn that were slated for the major OS thereby delaying the project and prompting Microsoft to scrap the current code and start fresh with the Windows Server 2003 codebase.
EU threatens Microsoft with new fines EETimes
The EU set Nov. 23 as the final deadline for Microsoft to submit technical documentation needed by competitors to make their products interoperate with Windows-based systems.
Microsoft Launches Office Live Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Software giant Microsoft (microsoft.com) announced on Wednesday it has launched online service Office Live out of beta.
Microsoft Asking Low End of Channel to Evangelize Live eWeek
Microsoft is expecting PC repair shops and VARs to promote use of its Office Live business application suite to SOHOs and SMBs without servers.
Microsoft Live: Suite Success ECommerce-Guide
Microsoft is officially launching its Office Live service on Nov. 15, expanding its offerings for small businesses both in content and its availability overseas.
Microsoft's Municipal Wi-Fi Push BusinessWeek
With a foothold in Portland, Ore., the software behemoth is looking to citywide Wi-Fi networks as major future sources of Web traffic and ad revenue
Microsoft Launches Office Live Out Of Beta InformationWeek
The service for small businesses offers online Web design, ad management, customer information and sales management, integration with Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2007, and tools for eBay, PayPal, and credit monitoring through Equifax.

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