DesktopLinux: Linspire Offers Free Email and File Storage Services Linux Today
"First, there was Freespire; then, free CNR. Now, here comes FreeLinuxEmail, a free email and file storage system from Linspire Inc. It's not much of a name, and not a completely accurate one, either.
Badongo.com Gets Into the Music Business with Badongo Music Player PR Web
Calling all musicians - With the recent launch of Badongo.com Beta, the rapidly growing file hosting site now offers musicians the perfect way to showcase their latest music with the free Badongo Music Player Widget. http://www.badongo.com/mp3 (PRWeb Nov 15, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/SGFsZi1DcmFzLUZhbHUtU3F1YS1NYWduLVplcm8=
Review: Google Analytics Blogcritics.org
Who’s visiting your website? How did they get there? And what are they doing once they get there? Those are questions you probably ask if you control a website, either as a blog author, webmaster, or website owner. If you rent space at a web hosting company, you probably get some sort of free usage statistics report. Typically, these work by parsing your web server's usage log, which keeps
Style File: Salon woos wee ones Honolulu Star-Bulletin
If you're looking for a kid-friendly setting for junior's first haircut, Pigtails & Crewcuts has opened its doors at the new Moanalua Shopping Center, 930 Valkenburgh St.
Microsoft readies Office Live for free UK trial Silicon.com
Beta due for release next week
OpenAddict: Has Microsoft Conceded the Desktop OS Market to Linux? Linux Today
"The Windows Vista project began life in 2001 as Codename Longhorn and was originally planned to be an interim 2003 release between Windows XP and the next major Windows OS. Microsoft developers kept adding features to Longhorn that were slated for the major OS thereby delaying the project and prompting Microsoft to scrap the current code and start fresh with the Windows Server 2003 codebase.
www.mccully.co.nz - 17 November 2006 Scoop.co.nz
Exactly one year ago today, New Zealand won the right to host Rugby World Cup 2011. Twelve months later the nation is consumed by the debate about where, how, and to what cost we will provide a stadium venue suitable to host the 2011 final.
Study: Spend more, get more in R&D? Not always EETimes
Booz Allen Hamilton examined research and development at 1,000 global companies for six months and found less than one-tenth were getting full value from money spent.
The Weather Channel Reinvents Forecasting Using HPC by Moab and HP PR Web
Whether you're off to the ballpark, a picnic or a round of golf, accurate weather forecasting is crucial to your preparation. The Weather Channel is working to improve weather predictions in places just like these using a high powered supercomputer to run their innovative weather prediction algorithm called High Resolution Aggregated Data or HiRAD. (PRWeb Nov 17, 2006)
Around the Valley Montrose Daily Press
MONTROSE — The Daily Press is looking for your pictures. We’ll take photos you’ve taken from various events, happenings in the community, your travels, animals or just people on the street for our new “Our Community†page.
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