Easy CGI Upgrades Microsoft Tools Web Host Industry Review
November 13, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Easy CGI (easycgi.com) announced on Monday it has upgraded the versions of Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PHP it offers.
Face-Off in the Game Room: Wii vs. PS3 LinuxInsider.com
Are you more of a casual video game player, or are you a serious joystick slinger looking to hook up with a super-smart tactical partner for serious sportsmanship? Where you sit on these issues might determine which of the two new video game systems debuting at stores this weekend -- Sony's Playstation 3 or Nintendo's Wii -- is right for you. Here's how we rate them, after a week of previewing.
Paramount Energy Trust Releases Third Quarter 2006 Financial and Operating Results Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
Paramount Energy Trust is pleased to release its financial and operating results for the third quarter of 2006. Strong production levels and a degree of natural gas price stability provided by the Trust's hedging program were offset by relatively weak natural gas prices primarily related to historically high gas storage levels.
LOCAL EVENTS San Jose Mercury News
SOUTH BAY HGTV and Cash in the Attic - Casting. 7 a.m. Oct. 30. HP Pavilion at San Jose, 525 W. Santa Clara St., San Jose, Free. 212.627.1181 ext. 421. http://leopardfilms.com/citausa.
Internet 2.0 Web Photo Service myPhotopipe.com, Inc. Introduces Cottage & Classic Frames Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
ATLANTA----myPhotopipe.com, Inc. today announced the launch of an all-new line of frames under the brand name of Cottage & Classic frames. The Cottage & Classic frames come in a variety finishes and hold six different picture sizes.
Three-Time Grammy Winner DIDDY Featured on Music Choice Multi-Platform Network Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NEW YORK----Music Choice®, the leading, multi-platform music network, today announced that DIDDY, one of today's most powerful forces in music, would be the featured 'Artist of the Month' in November on Music Choice On Demand.
local events San Jose Mercury News
SOUTH BAY Play Like a Kid Again. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 23. Los Gatos Saratoga Community Recreation Center, 208 E. Main Street, Los Gatos, $40. (408) 354-8700.
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The CGI Resource Index
Hagen Hosting: $3.95 per month free cgi scripts 4334 CGI resources listed in 349 categories at The CGI Resource Index.
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List of free web hosting providers that provide you with Perl and CGI-BIN access for you to install your own CGI scripts.
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