3 offers flat-rate mobile Internet TechWorld
But watch out for those terms and conditions. Mobile operator 3 has announced the first flat-rate mobile Internet plan providing unlimited use for a monthly fee.
Group 3 to launch flat-rate mobile Internet InfoWorld
( InfoWorld ) - 3 Group will launch a flat-rate mobile Internet plan that includes unlimited usage, so customers can access online applications from their phones without worrying about what it might cost. 3 Group, the operator owned by Hutchison Whampoa, made the announcement Thursday together with Skype, Yahoo, Google, eBay, Microsoft, Sling Media, Nokia, Orb Networks, and Sony Ericsson
3 to launch flat-rate mobile Internet service Macworld UK
3 Group has announced a new flat rate plan that includes unlimited mobile Internet access.
Battle opens for control of mobile internet Guardian Unlimited
Network operator 3 promises to revolutionise the UK mobile phone industry by offering free long-distance phone calls and unlimited access to broadband-style internet services for a flat monthly fee.
Mobile operator 3 to offer mobile internet service EARTHtimes.org
British mobile phone operator 3 UK will offer free long distance phone calls and unlimited access to broadband internet service for a fixed fee. The operator, a unit of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Whampoa, said the new service will start in December and will cover operations such as unlimited web calling, instant messaging, search and other applications on mobile handsets for a flat monthly fee.
Battle opens for control of mobile internet Guardian Unlimited
· Flat-rate offer for services including eBay and Google · Web on phones has so far not proved popular
Battle opens for control of mobile internet Guardian Unlimited
Technology: 3 network offers flat-rate to access eBay and Google.
KLIBOR Futures Flat In Early Trading Bernama
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 17 (Bernama) -- The three-month Kuala Lumpur Interbank Offered Rates (KLIBOR) futures contract on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives were flat in early trading Friday dominated by strip trades.
Mobile Web beginning to open up Digit Magazine
Internet leaders who gathered in London Thursday to applaud the launch of a flat-rate mobile data plan from 3 Group were quick to criticize the progress of the wireless Internet so far, an indication of the difficulties they've experienced entering the mobile market.
Mobile internet 'upgrade' launch BBC News
Mobile firm 3 is to partner with Google, eBay and Skype to try to make the mobile internet work better.
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