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Web Host Easy CGI Upgrades Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PHP TopHosts.com
Hosting provider Easy CGI announced upgrades to versions of Microsoft SQL Server MySQL and PHP for customers. All shared hosting plans will include these new versions
The Planet-EV1Servers Adds High-Performance Systems to Meet Customers' Most Demanding Hosting Requirements Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
HOUSTON----Providing customers with server choices to meet their most processing-intensive requirements, The Planet-EV1Servers today announced the addition of three high-performance servers to its world-class data center line-up.
OpenAddict: Has Microsoft Conceded the Desktop OS Market to Linux? Linux Today
"The Windows Vista project began life in 2001 as Codename Longhorn and was originally planned to be an interim 2003 release between Windows XP and the next major Windows OS. Microsoft developers kept adding features to Longhorn that were slated for the major OS thereby delaying the project and prompting Microsoft to scrap the current code and start fresh with the Windows Server 2003 codebase.
Easy CGI Upgrades Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PHP PR Web
Easy CGI is pleased to announce they have upgraded the versions of Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PHP available to their customers. All Shared hosting plans now feature these updated versions - MSSQL Server 2005, MySQL 4.1.21 and PHP 4.4.4. (PRWeb Nov 13, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/VGhpci1Mb3ZlLUluc2UtU3F1YS1NYWduLVplcm8=
Planet-EV1Servers Updates Servers Web Host Industry Review
November 16, 2006 -- Web hosting provider The Planet-EV1 Servers announced on Wednesday it has added three high-performance dedicated servers to its data center line-up.
Easy CGI Upgrades Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PHP PR Web via Yahoo! News
Pearl River, NY (PRWEB) November 13, 2006 -- Easy CGI is pleased to announce they have upgraded the versions of Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PHP available to their customers.
Easy CGI Upgrades Microsoft Tools Web Host Industry Review
November 13, 2006 -- Web hosting provider Easy CGI (easycgi.com) announced on Monday it has upgraded the versions of Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and PHP it offers.
Baystate Health Turns to SEPATON for Critical Backup of Patient Records Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
MARLBOROUGH, Mass.----SEPATON, Inc., the leader in high-performance data protection solutions, today announced that its S2100®-ES2 virtual tape library is ensuring the rapid and reliable backup of critical patient data for Baystate Health, a health services and delivery organization based in Springfield, MA.
IP Storage Systems feature 4 Gb/s architecture. ThomasNet
Using EMC CLARiiON® CX3 UltraScale(TM) architecture, Celerra® NS Series provides active-passive N+1 clustering, controller-based RAID, and protection from single points of failure. Models NS40 and NS40G offer 16-32 TB capacity via single- or dual-blade configurations, while Models NS80 and NS80G, deliver 20-60 TB capacity via 2-, 3-, or 4-blade configurations. Built-in features include snapshots,
Tender: Reading: computer-related services PublicTechnology.net
NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Thames Water Utilities Limited, Procurement Support Centre, Zone 4, Gainsborough House, c/o Blake House, Manor Farm Road, Contact: Procurement Support Centre, Attn: Procurement Support Centre, UK-Reading RG2 0JN. E-mail: Procurement.Support.Centre@thameswater.co.uk . Fax 0118 9237 687.

Hosting MS SQL Server 2005
Hosting MS SQL Server 2005 e Asp.NET 2. I database MS SQL Server, disponibili nelle versioni 2000 e 2005, sono installati su server Windows 2003 Server
Hosting Solutions database hosting
I database MS SQL Server sono aggiungibili ai piani hosting Windows, mentre i piani MySQL sono aggiungibili sia ai piani Windows che ai piani Linux.
Hosting PHP MySQL Host JAVA JSP Hosting Provider JVM Tomcat
Web Hosting, JSP hosting, PHP Hosting, Java web hosting, MySQL hosting, A coloro che intendono utilizzare MySQL come database server per le proprie
Managed Hosting, Dettagli, Prezzo. DELL PowerEdge SC 430, € 1.908,00 Soluzioni Modulari:, backup, firewall, database server, load balacing
Smartways Managed Microsoft SQL Server Database Hosting
Smartways are exper in managing Microsoft SQL Server databases.

Managed Hosting, Dettagli, Prezzo. DELL PowerEdge SC 430, € 1.908,00 Soluzioni Modulari:, backup, firewall, database server, load balacing
Cheap web hosting windows e linux | TOL.IT
Da 6 anni offre ser Internet dal web hosting su piattaforma Linux o Windows Database Server, MySQL 3.23.x. MySQL 4.1.x. Microsoft SQL 2000
Smartways Managed Microsoft SQL Server Database Hosting
Smartways are exper in managing Microsoft SQL Server databases.
Hosting Solutions database hosting
I database MS SQL Server sono aggiungibili ai piani hosting Windows, mentre i piani MySQL sono aggiungibili sia ai piani Windows che ai piani Linux.
FreeSQL was created in order to eliminate the database administration This site is currently a drtic work-in-progress following a web server crash.
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Accedere tramite Sql Express Edition a database remoto ASPItalia.com usa ITHost come sistema per l'hosting dei propri server. COLLABORA!
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MS SQL 2000 Database Server Host, SQL Server Web Hosting, Website
Planet Hosting provides reliable and fast web hosting service for MS SQL database on windows and Linux servers at affordable rates.
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