Comcast Internet goes down for users The Barre Montpelier Times Argus
MONTPELIER -- Problems with Comcast high-speed Internet cable service struck Vermont Thursday leaving an unknown number of customers either unable to log on or stuck at very low speeds when they tried to surf the Web or read e-mail. - Times Argus Staff
New policy allows state workers to e-mail relatives in military Norwalk Advocate
The state is changing its computer-use policy to allow employees to exchange e-mails with family members serving in the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, Gov. M. Jodi Rell said Thursday.
Lawyers to question employees in e-mail scandal at courthouse Decatur Daily
A Huntsville law firm will take the next step in the Morgan County Courthouse e-mail scandal by developing a computer forensics team to examine data of county employees and officials.
Value Funds -- Yes, Value -- Ride the Tech Rally: Chet Currier Bloomberg.com
Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Surprise! Computer, Internet and telecommunications stocks are suddenly enjoying a resurgence. Double surprise! Among the big beneficiaries of the rally have been value mutual funds, which until very recently would never have gone near a technology stock.
Free computer classes at Coachella library tonight Desert Sun
The Coachella library is offering free computer classes every Monday and Tuesday from 5 to 6 p.m. The lessons can be taught in English and Spanish and will cover the basics of computers, including typing, the Internet and e-mail.
Computer courses offered through NWC Billings Gazette
POWELL - The Northwest College Center for Training and Development will offer workshops during early December in Cody and Powell. The Cody course will be called "Taming Your Computer Gremlins," while the program in Powell will focus on Excel II.
Question Internet security Carroll County Online
How come Amazon can virtually guarantee that my credit card information is perfectly safe and secure when I buy something online, but the federal government can't come up with a way for us to vote on the Internet?
Tender: London: computer software PublicTechnology.net
NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): London School of Economics and Political Science, Room AH300, Houghton Street, Contact: https://www.in-tendhost.com/lse/ , Attn: Margaret Newson Purchasing Manager, UK-London WC2A 2AE. E-mail: purchasing@lse.ac.uk . Fax 020 7955 7427.
Shop in your pajamas The Myrtle Beach Sun News
FORT WORTH, Texas | On your mark, get set, turn on your computer monitors. Retailers predict that one in four holiday purchases will be made on the Internet this year, according to a survey released this week by the National Retail Federation.
Flame-mail to school leads to charges Post-Bulletin
A 17-year-old Rochester boy, angry at not being able to access his MySpace Internet account from a school computer, is now facing criminal charges for allegedly writing a threatening e-mail
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