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Potholder Pinhole Camera
From Ikea Hacker comes this pinhole camera mod from an Ikea potholder. See some of the potholder pinhole’s photos here. [via
Gakken Pinhole Camera
I called this a pinhole camera, but it actually comes with a plastic lens that can be used if you don’t want to do the pinhole thing. The shutter is probably around 100th of a second, or you can use an unorthodox bulb mode.
Beer can pinhole camera making workshop with Justin Quinnell
Noted photographer Justin Quinnell is hosting two free pinhole photography workshops. Make a camera from a beer can "emptied by the photographer himself!". Dates are 18 and 20 Dec, 2006, from 1–3pm at the Bristol City Museum & Art
Cigar box pinhole camera too cool not to write about
MAKE has a story about an amazing pinhole camera made out of cigar box. Very, very cool. Here’sa link to the Flickr photo set about it. In other news, the site will be returning from hiatus in the new year. Thanks for your patience
Experiment: pinhole camera toss
I think the camera toss phenomenon, started by Ryan Gallagher (also see his Flickr stream), is really cool. The idea is that you set your camera for a relatively long exposure in a dark place with a nifty arrangement of lights,
Pinhole camera on the Lake Michigan shore
The above photo by John Baird (view larger, more info) was taken in the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore with a Pinhole Camera (90mm f/232, 15 second exposure
Pinhole Camera
The new project I’ve decided to do involves making a pinhole camera. I’ve done this once before back in middle school (a long time ago) out of an oatmeal box. Thanks to Bre from Make Magazine and his video “how to” I’m totally confident
Wiley Sanderson, Pinhole Photography and Me
A simple box can thereby be made into a primitive camera. Using print paper instead of film, the box is loaded in darkness, the hole covered until time for exposure, and the pinhole camera is ready to be used for picture-taking.
How To Make A Cigar Box Pinhole Camera
Focal length of about 30mm, pinhole of indeterminate size, f/stop 100-150, I think. So reasonably fast — 1-2 second exposures in Sunny 16 conditions. Read More… Source: Make via PiranhaDailyNews.com
How to Make Pinhole Camera
The folks over at fecalface always have some cool stuff going down: Andreas Trolf explains the delicate art of pinhole photography - from construction to display. I haven't made one myself yet, but I'm working on it

Dirkon - The Paper Camera [pinhole.cz]
Its creators, Martin Pilný, Mirek Kolář and Richard Vyškovský, came up with a functional pinhole camera made of stiff paper, designed for 35 mm film,
Pinhole Camera - Photographs, Information, PinholeDesigner
The pinhole camera - the camera without a lens. Information about the simplest image-creating device, its history, sample photographs and the
The Pinhole Gallery
Explains how pinhole photography works, provides directions for making a camera, offers tips for creative photography, and features dozens of pictures taken
Bob Miller's Light Walk: Making a Pinhole Camera
Step-by-step instructions and diagrams show how to make a pinhole camera from a 126 film cartridge.
pinhole camera by Zero Image, range from 135 to 4x5 format
Handmade wood and brass pinhole cameras by the Zero Image Company, a professional design and production house located in Hong Kong. Film formats include 120
Pinhole Photography
Basically a pinhole camera is a box, with a tiny hole at one end and film But in serious photography the pinhole camera is just an imaging device with
Pinhole Camera Reading
A Discourse on pinhole photography and how to make pinhole cameras.
Howstuffworks "How does a pinhole camera work?"
A pinhole camera works on a simple principle. Imagine you are inside a large, dark, A pinhole camera is simply a smaller version of that room,
Lighthouse in a Tree
Just download your next camera on our website. Linatree invite you to download, print, cut and build your pinhole. A pinhole is a camera that uses a very
Thoughts About Photography: Medium Format Pinhole Lego Camera
how cool is thisa medium format lego pinhole camera complete with film advance knob and Check out the Pinhole Lego Camera over at Found Photography. pinhole+camera: pinhole spy camera , how to build a pinhole camera , pinhole spy camera , how to build a pinhole camera , pinhole+camera
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