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Make a Taser from a Disposable Camera
It's so simple that ANYONE can do it
Disposable Camera Taser
Make a 330v, 400mA taser out of a disposable camera. This tutorial explains exactly how to make one of these. YouTube videos of this have been removed and there aren't too many places on the web that show you how to do this.
DIY Disposable Camera Taser
Ever wondered what to do with that old disposable camera? What if it could be formed into something cool like a taser? I know I didn’t believe it first either. The taser is 7000 volts and can be made from most common
How to make a taser from a disposable camera
This video is a step by step directional video explaining how to turn your disposable camera into a taser. read more | digg story
7 Gadgets You Can Make Yourself
Our editors have compiled a list of seven gadgets that you can make tutorial on “how to make a 7000 volt taser from a $7 disposable camera”. Paper Clip Motor. Eric (FlyByPC) shows us how to make a “very simple motor from two paper
How to make a taser from a disposable camera
LJ blogger Dansprojector has a step-by-step tutorial on how to turn a cheap disposable camera into a mini-taser. Try it if you must but don't blame me if you accidentally kill your pet hamster or render your housemate permanently
Disposable Camera Taser
Disposable Camera Taser I was talking to some friends at a party, and we ended up projects I have done such as a 360º pan/tilt camera controllable over the internet, We all go really interested in it, so I decided to make one.
How to Make a Taser from a Disposable Camera
A tutorial on how to make a taser from a disposable camera. $7, 7 minutes, and 7000 volts. Be careful! I'm not responsible for any injury you cause with this information
Kodak taser
I don't know about hand-rolling a taser from a disposable camera. Compared to a real taser --the kind. irish.typepad.com The Texas Hedge Report 04: Ebay: Ebay: Oct-04: EDS: EDS: June-04 & Jan-05: Enron: Enrnq: June-04.
Disposable camera tasers
Canadian teens have figured out how to make Taser-style electric shock weapons out of disposable cameras, which just goes to show you that disposable cameras ought to be regulated in the interest of public safety.
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