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MonkeyFilter | DIY Stun gun
I just finished reading Idoru and Gibson repeatedly mentioned grade-schoolers making miniature stun guns from the capacitors in disposable cameras.
We will return to the topic of stun guns at the end of this lecture. In the disposable camera circuit, how long is the wire for the primary winding?
Slashdot | Build Your Own Stun Gun
Real stun guns are also quite cheap on eBay. If you want to make a joke shocker from a disposable camera flash, here's a much safer method:
collision detection: DIY stun gun
DIY stun gun. "Joey the Intern" at TechTV recently realized something interesting: When a disposable camera charges its flash, it uses a capacitor capable
Teens forming disposable cameras into weapons
Some teenagers are finding a dangerous use for cheap, disposable cameras, Other sites also give information on how to make such homemade stun guns.
Electroshock weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An electroshock weapon, also referred to as an electroshock gun or stun gun The devices were made from disposable cameras with a 330-volt electric
instructables : How to make a tazer glove
This stun gun is nowhere near deadly, unless you were to shock someone directly the capacitor leads when I was 10 and taking apart a disposable camera,
Comments on: Disposable camera stun gun.
http://www.redferret.net/?p=6502 Gadgets, cool sites, tech news and trivia Fri, 17 Nov 2006 14:23:04 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.2.
Boing Boing: Mod a disposable cam into a stun-gun
Mod a disposable cam into a stun-gun TechTV has a HOWTO for modifying a disposable camera into a stun-gun:. These disposable cameras (about $5 dollars a
Bzzzzt thank you for flying! | MetaFilter
Bruce Schneier points out a link on how to turn a normal everyday disposable camera into a stun gun in his most recent Crypto-Gram. Honestly Mr. DHS it's to disposable+camera+stun+gun: disposable+camera+stun+gun
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