The figure shows an object of circular form completely like a cd unequivocally rom. If in fact analyse the face on which registered are the given will find a structure composed by portions of
"surface fish bone" alternated by "furrows"
[Fig. 2,] completely like that shown in the crop.
From more careful one analysis also notices another interesting particular. The "blocks" launchings of the crop are not organized according to a concentric structure (as classical moles cd rom) but I support a spiral, how it happens for the DVD.
Ascertained what treats of digital information, does not remain what decode the contained.
The message, using a binary to 8 bit and represented in ASCII characters, coding turns out the following:
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN
PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word = EELRIJUE).
There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit
Tradotto in italiano:
"Diffida dei portatori di FALSI regali & le loro
del BUONO là fuori. Opponiamo il tradimento. Canale IN CHIUSURA suono
di campana". [1] |
What does this message mean?
How pointed out Francesco
Grassi in his web site:
the mythology is in help. In the Homeric myth, the horse in Troy was representing the false gift left by Greeks the Trojans as trap to invade their town. Laocoon tried in vain to rebuke the Trojans without luck from the accept that gift.
Is an averse race so putting in guard from the accept the regal forgeries of another averse race? Or of whom other?
A message of the kind is not an item of news. Already about ten of years first, in the August 2001, a circle anomalous crop [Fig. 3] apparve to Milk Hill near Alton Barnes (Wiltshire, UK.) One of the interpretations [2] the enrolment would be in runic what troop-train he takes to Latino OPPONO ASTOS (I oppose the cheats.) [3]
Taking again the analysis of Crabwood crop can notice other interesting details. The lineaments of the averse face are not given back through "points" (as in the photographies of the dailies and as in the crop [Fig. 4] of Chilbolton of 2001) but through alternate of different shades (typical of the images interlacciate of the television) lines.
A technique decidedly advanced as regards preceding crop, and a series of refined quotations that place this "work" to the of the some simple one jokes. Who in fact could spend time technical and economic, resources of this range for a simple design on a field? To such somebody purpose called the Disney a his and in cause promotional campaign for the movie "Signs", but in this case one also does not explain the realization technique and the because of a text as little clear and simple as regards design.
In conclusion we can affirm this crop is human work (language ASCII and English are a demonstration) but aims are still unknown.
Author: Ufo_Zone
[1] To examine in detail codes it:
[2] Exist other different three interpretations at least:
(Thanks to Francesco Grassi for the signal)
[3] The word "Astos" was reported to the gift of the Troy's horse