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multi language and php
i have followed the instructions of tutorial multi language (php) but now, i have 3 flag images in home page. when click one flag , go to home page localized. example: click german flag >>> redirect to german-homepage. i want that when
automatic hidden insert
one page of site (php) receive response from bank. i need that when the page is opening, update automatic a hidden field of database mysql, and send a email. now is necessary click the button for this. it's possible with mx
for david walley
like a boxer, he was light on his feet, he hit from the center of his weight outward, and you didn’t know where it was gonna come from, but it always connected
multi language with php
i have a multilanguage site with mxcollection asp, and it work ok. when i want change the language i insert in code: <% session("language") = "ger" %> now i have another multilanguage site, but with php code; and this don't work. i have
date in form page
in the form/insert i have a date field with choice by menu (recordset other table with a date field). i want to display in the menu the dates complete (friday 01 december 2006). is it possible
format date
i have a hidden insert data: <input type="hidden" name="data_tck" id="data_tck" value="<?php echo kt_formatdate($row_rstickets['data_tck']); ?>" /> the result in mysql is 0000/00/00 but i want , if possible, 0000/00/00 00:00
url parameters
i use in the mx_insertupdate form the redirect url = id_pr (primary key - increment field) in the database i have also a unique random_number field. i don't want that the url parameters appairs in the url address eventually i want
random unike key
if i made an insertnewuserpage, if i select hidden the "key random field" ( for login), the code generate an automatic random number (unique). i want to obtein the same for other pages, (example un unique number order random) the
redirect with php
first question i must to insert in one record with some steps. (php language): i have a first page with insert action (for 3 fields only) and redirect to second page in the second page i want to have a same record with update
dependent menu in the form
it's possible to obtain with mxcollection two drop-down menu where: after the choice of the first, the list of second change whit some conditions (if then else) ? thanks

Ulisse by Gioma
Odissea a strisce, disegni e umorismo che un Omero da satira consiglierebbe a tutti.
Ulisse - Wikipedia
[modifica] Letteratura. Il ritorno di Ulisse - Dramma di Robert Seymour Bridges. Il canto di Ulisse - Inferno: Canto XXVI Dante Alighieri.
Layout a due colonne con float
Benvenuti nel sito di Ulisse Quadri. Software didattico Software didattico. In questa sezione trovate il software didattico per la scuola elementare e media
Ulisse - Banca dati per l‘orientamento scolastico e la formazione
Accessi: 102878 dal 30/05/2002, Presentazione &middot; Autorientamento &middot; Aggiornamento &middot; Ricerca personalizzata corsi FSE Trovare i corsi secondo il proprio
Ulisse, figlio di Laerte e di Anticlea, era il re dell&#39;isola di Itaca. Durante l&#39;assedio di Troia, Ulisse, si distinse per il coraggio, ma soprattutto

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