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EuroTrash Thursday! PezCycling News
Tres Bizarre Happenings In France This week’s most bizarre story comes from France where the police are currently investigating a possible violation of the e-mail system of the Châtenay-Malabry anti-doping laboratory. What does this have to do with pro cycling you ask?
First Edition Cycling News for November 9, 2006 Cyclingnews.com
Johan Bruyneel, the team's director announced that Basso had signed a two-season contract with Tailwind Sports, the owner of Discovery Channel Pro Cycling Team. "We are excited about Ivan joining the team," Bruyneel said, "and we're looking forward to having him at Discovery Channel's training camp in Austin on December 3rd."
Tuesday's EuroFile: Cofidis trial continues; Saving Jan? McEwen expecting new jersey Velo News
Former professional Philippe Gaumont claimed he won only one race "cleanly" in his career during testimony given at a French court on Tuesday. Gaumont is cooperating with investigators in trial of 10 Cofidis team riders and staff, who are facing doping charges.
First Edition Cycling News for November 5, 2006 Cyclingnews.com
As the late afternoon winter sun bathed Le Bandie sports center near Treviso, Italy, on a crisp Saturday afternoon, it shown brightest on diminutive 26-year-old Frenchman Francis Mourey (Francaise Des Jeux), who surprisingly outsprinted World Cup leader Sven Nys (Rabobank) and World Champion Erwin Vervecken (Fidea) with a superb move at the end of a hotly contested fourth race in the 2006-07 UCI
Latest Cycling News for November 3, 2006 Cyclingnews.com
Spanish parliament has approved the proposed new anti-doping law on Thursday, November 2. The long-awaited legislation, which puts doping infractions on a criminal level, was adopted by 302 deputies out of 310, and should be in place within the next six months - possibly within three.
EuroTrash Thursday! PezCycling News
Puerto Gets "Clouseau'd" Who are we supposed to believe any more?
Ullrich to join Tinkoff team? News 24 South Africa
The Tinkoff cycling team are in negotiations to sign former Tour de France Jan Ullrich and Tyler Hamilton.
First Edition Cycling News for November 2, 2006 Cyclingnews.com
An important announcement as regards the future of the Tour de Langkawi is set to be made this week by the Malaysian Minster of Sport, Datuk Azalina Othman Said. The last two editions of the prestigious 2.HC Malaysian event have been dogged by financial difficulties but a government buyout earlier this year settled many of the financial debts, thus securing the race’s license with the UCI.
Shorts: Karpin, Belda, Tinkoff Procycling
31/10/2006 New riders confirmed for new Galician continental team, ex-Comunitat Valenciana boss Belda gets new job on another new Spanish team, new Italo-Russian team announce their line-up.
First Edition Cycling News for October 31, 2006 Cyclingnews.com
Sven Nys (Rabobank) remains in the white jersey of the leader in the UCI Cyclo-cross rankings, despite his recent winning streak coming to an end on Saturday, after 23 year old Czech rider, Radomir Simunek Jr., and Bart Wellens' Fidea team managed to get away from the Belgian in the World Cup race in the Czech Republic.

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