Trading a brevissimo: Fiat, l'area dei 10 euro funge da trampolino di ...
Trend Online - Fiat reagisce dopo essere scesa a testare i supporti a quota 10.10 euro (top del 24/3). Concrete indicazioni capaci di invertire il trend discendente di breve termine arriveranno solo al superamento ...
Trading a brevissimo: momento clou per Fondiaria-Sai
Trend Online - Fondiaria SAI sta testando il lato alto del canale ribassista che interessa l'andamento delle contrattazioni dopo il top storico del 2 marzo a quota 35.49. Una chiusura superiore ai 33.2 (livello ...
Trading a brevissimo: brusco strappo rialzista per Telecom Italia ...
Trend Online - Brusco strappo rialzista per TI Media che si lascia alle spalle le resistenze a 0.46 euro, andando ad oltrepassare anche quelle a 0.48 circa rappresentate dai top di gennaio. Un chiusura di seduta al ...
Trading a brevissimo: Seat Pagine Gialle tenta il rimbalzo
Trend Online - Dopo aver sfiorato stamattina in apertura il supporto di brevissimo di 0.37 euro, Seat Pagine Gialle tenta il rimbalzo portandosi fino a 0.3795. Tale movimento potrà dare qualche certezza in più ...
Le nostre selezioni di Trading: Acea, Autostrade, Cir, Reply, Safilo e ...
Trend Online - Sotto i riflettori oggi: Acea, Autostrade, Cir, Reply, Safilo, Unicredito Acea : Acea ha dimostrato nel corso degli ultimi mesi una netta propensione al rialzo, riuscendo anche a confermarsi al di ...
Tlc: Authority, in corso vigilanza su servizi non richiesti 
Milano Finanza - Visualizza online protesti, visure, bilanci ed altri documenti camerali su tutto il territorio nazionale.    Link sponsorizzato Bilanci di imprese italiane da EUR16,50 Online in ...
Mercati: i dati macro della prossima settimana 
Milano Finanza - Visualizza online protesti, visure, bilanci ed altri documenti camerali su tutto il territorio nazionale.    Link sponsorizzato Bilanci di imprese italiane da EUR16,50 Online in ...
Finmeccanica: francese Dcn tratta per jv in missili (DJ) 
Italia Oggi - Visualizza online protesti, visure, bilanci ed altri documenti camerali su tutto il territorio nazionale.    Link sponsorizzato Bilanci di imprese italiane da EUR16,50 Online in ...
I piani della 'nuova' Kyneste
Computerworld Italia - L'esordio sul mercato di Kyneste è avvenuto nel 2000, in piena new economy, proponendosi come fornitore di servizi ASP (Application Service Provider). Da qualche tempo la società del Gruppo Bancario ...
Bund future: attendere un rimbalzo convincente
Trend Online - Il Bund ha provato a mettere sotto pressione, nella giornata di ieri, le resistenze di area 116.50, primi ostacoli di rilievo sulla strada che il derivato sta cercando di intraprendere per mettere a ...
Euro Marks Time in Holiday Trading (Daily FX via Yahoo! Finance)
The Euro stalled in Asian and early European sessions amid light holiday trade flows and a dearth of economic releases in the Euro-Zone. The capital markets were closed across Europe and North America today for holiday. With transaction flows in the FX market expected to be at half their normal volume as a result of these closures, the Euro remained bid in a tight 25 point range today. ...
U.S. Dollar Up in Late European Trading (
The U.S. dollar was up against most other major currencies in European trading Friday morning. Gold markets were closed. The euro was quoted at $1.2104, down from $1.2109 late Thursday in New York. Later, in midday trading in New York, the euro fetched $1.2102....
U.S. Dollar Up in Late European Trading (
The U.S. dollar was up against most other major currencies in European trading Friday morning. Gold markets were closed. The euro was quoted at US$1.2104, down from US$1.2109 late Thursday in New York....
Euro Marks Time in Holiday Trading (Daily FX)
The Euro stalled in Asian and early European sessions amid light holiday trade flows and a dearth of economic releases in the Euro-Zone. The capital markets were closed across Europe and North America today for holiday....
U.S. Dollar Up in Late European Trading (Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune)
LONDON (AP) - The U.S. dollar was up against most other major currencies in European trading Friday morning. Gold markets were closed. The euro was quoted at $1.2104, down from $1.2109 late Thursday in New York. Later, in midday trading in New York, the euro fetched $1.2102. Other dollar rates in Europe, compared with late Thursday, included 118.67 Japanese yen, up from 118.43; 1.2989 Swiss ...
MICEX to hold no euro trading today (RosBusinessConsulting)
RBC, 14.04.2006, Moscow 10:23:01. As April 14 through 17 are bank holidays in Germany on account of Easter, MICEX will hold no trade today in EUR/RUB_UTS_TOD and SWAP_EUR/RUB_UTS_TOD_TOM euro deals, the exchange's press service said....
U.S. dollar up in late European trading (Victoria Advocate)
The euro was quoted at $1.2104, down from $1.2109 late Thursday in New York. Later, in midday trading in New York, the euro fetched $1.2102....
Euro Marks Time in Holiday Trading (Forex Capital Markets via Yahoo! Australia & NZ Finance)
Additionally, many market participants have chosen to remain sidelined today as they await next week's slew of major economic releases in the US, including TICS on Monday, housing starts on Tuesday, and CPI on Wednesday. As of 9:45 GMT, the Euro remained bid well within today's range at 1.2105. Equities and Fixed Income markets were closed today in Europe today for holiday. ...
U.S. Dollar Up in Late European Trading (AP via Yahoo! News)
The U.S. dollar was up against most other major currencies in European trading Friday morning. Gold markets were closed....
Dollar Rises Versus Euro (San Francisco Chronicle)
The dollar gained slightly versus the euro, as the U.S. currency got a boost Thursday from government data that showed the economy is on solid footing. The euro bought $1.2081 in afternoon European trading, down from $1.2097 late Wednesday in New York. ...

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