What goes up
Vieux Boulogne, a soft cheese from northern France, beat 14 other whiffy varieties in tests. Experts at Cranfield University - who led the research - used an "electronic nose" to analyse the cheese odours, along with a panel of 19 human
Return from Brazil in July, move into penthouse studio overlooking University Botanical Garden. Painful break up with Laura. Meet Christina Moraes (Brazil). Purchase Praktika camera and my first calculator (Casio).
House Update
The week after we move in, Holly has a day trip to Boulogne with the school and Alice is going away on an outward bound three day trip with the school (her first time away). My 'pessimistic little voice in my head' keeps thinking 'what
The Mighty Endeavor Campaign AAR report
Four British infantry divisions were sent to attack the German forces garrisoning Boulogne-sur-Mer. British, Canadian, and Polish armour motored toward the coast to assail Dunkerque. The Canadian infantry advanced to occupy the
Crime and Poetry: Part Four The Letter
And it was addressed to our real home - not to any hotel in Boulogne sur Save. I remembered it now. It asked for the return of the originals of the bond as new regulations required all existing bonds to be re-issued.
Re: Niggers
Thursday 23rd heavy fighting around Boulogne. Sir Oswald Mosley and other British fascists arrested. 76 IRA men arrested. Saturday 25th British forces surrounded on French coast 15 French Generals relieved of their commands.
Here I Stand - My first game
England sent three mercenaries out from Calais to Boulogne, where they were intercepted by my main army from Paris and wiped out. He also built a ship in Calais. I used Diplomatic Marriage to build 2 fleets in Rouen and move all three
homesickness stories revealed
I was staying with a friend of a family friend of a friend in the 16eme arrondisement, and ended up getting lost in the Bois de Boulogne while taking a walk. I was approached for by some shady characters quite a few times;
Nouveau Jeu
Pendant qu'Boulogne se désespère J'ai d'quoi m'remplir un dernier verre Clac fait le verre en tombant sur le lino J'm'coupe la main en ramassant les morceaux Je stérilise, les murs qui dansent L'alcool ça grise et ça commence.
Stage 08, France, ici Paris
The City of Paris ( @ Wiki) is the most densely populated area in the Western World, excluding the outlying woodland parks of Boulogne and Vincennes, its density in 1999 was 24448 inh. per km² =40m² per person, 10 million lives make do

New DVDs New York Times
The 1963 Alain Resnais feature, ?Muriel,? makes it to DVD this week and looks to be one of the directors highest accomplishments.
Euroferries Website Talks Deal R News
Last week, Mayor Duffy said the city of Rochester had rejected the latest offer from prospective ferry buyer Euroferries. Euroferries website indicates something different.
Renault banking on cheap sedan for the masses Boston Globe
PARIS -- At France's Renault SA, designing the people's car of the 21st century was an exercise in cutting costs, part by part and euro by euro.
Fast Ferry Meeting May Be Too Late R News
Rochester Mayor Bob Duffy is demanding a meeting with potential fast ferry buyer Euroferries Limited but the city may be a month too late. SpeedFerries is a European fast ferry operator that would be in direct competition with Euroferries.
Spring Arts Preview: Springtime for Zizek The Village Voice
Plus one we've all been waiting for: the Reagen-obsessed serial-killer movie!moving+boulogne: moving+boulogne