aaabbbcccddd aaabbbcccddd aaabbbcccddd ef gh ij |
1. row: 6. neighbour information 2. row: 7. neighbour information 3. row: 8. neighbour information 4. row, ef: 6. neighbour information 4. row, gh: 7. neighbour information 4. row, ij: 8. neighbour information aaa carrier number in decimal bbb C1 value, range is -99 - 999, displayed only in idle mode. Instead of C1 value, letter 'B' and BSIC value will be displayed in active mode. ccc rx level in dBm, minus sign not shown if <=-100 ddd C2 value, range is 99 999 e,g,i F is shown if cell is in a forbidden location area otherwise location is empty. f,h,j B is Barred, N is normal priority and L is low priority otherwise location is empty.
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