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Weekend Links bring Joy to the Masses
Lindsay Lohan Cutter Confirmation (cityrag); Shania Twain is back! breasts and Boobs and Mammaries and Funbags and all those can be summed up in one word: TAKE IT OFF. (Hollywoodtuna); Mischa Barton is Depressed (Fatback and Collard
The human animal cannot be trusted for anything good except en masse. The combined thought and action of the whole people of any race, creed or nationality, will always point in the right direction. Truman, Harry S.more
SaNS: Scary Masses
or, my Catholic Life Talking about oddest experience reminds me of scariest ones. The scariest thing I have ever seen in a church took place at the London Oratory a few years ago. We were in the middle of Mass when a man,
I love you guys
No, seriously, I really do. You are all so nice and pretty and have such lovely skin. Last night, I went to bed and cried. Cried like a little girl who had her toys taken away. I felt sucker punched and attacked and just so, so sad.
Emily edumecates the masses
As part of some ongoing with with the Tamron lens company, Emily shot a "podcast" -- which seems to be misnamed because it is a quicktime video and I don't see an RSS feed, but no need to quibble about semantics.
as decreed by the masses
So this is what happens when reader suggestions turn into something productive. Well, at least for my use. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the new PDA playlist. And here's what made the cut: Search and Destroy - Iggy & The Stooges
Berggi, Mobile Messaging for the Masses
Now that the average cell phone user is coming to terms with text messaging (last I checked around 36% have texted in the US) startups and carriers are hoping that more people will start using mobile email and mobile IM.
Music For The Masses: December 7th, 2006
Welcome, friends, to another edition of Music for the Masses! How the hell you doing? Me? Why I’m happier than Rosie O’Donnell shopping for flannel shirts right now because I ABSOLUTELY love this time of year.
Yahoo! for the masses
find a new job, all within the same web property. Om and I evaluate the current and future prospects for Yahoo in our latest PodSesssion, Yahoo! for the masses. The podcast is 22 minutes in length, a 10 MB download
Entrepreneurship for the Masses?
There has been a lot written over the past month on Jeff Bezos' plans for Amazon. As Bezos explained to Business Week when he first unveiled his plan, he wants to form Amazon the on line store into Amazon the engine of the

Depeche Mode - Midi For The Masses
Depeche Mode - Midi For The Masses. Midi For The Masses. Enter the Depeche Mode Midi Page. You are Devotee number Counter since 2nd of January 1997
Then came along bitjobs for the masses! The name was thought up at 2am in the morning, the host still doesn't really know what it means and everyone's happy
Scoop || Collaborative Media for the Masses
Free collaborative media software for running community web logs . Requires Perl, mod_perl, and MySQL.
Mobile e-mail heading for the masses | CNET News.com
Mobile e-mail heading for the masses | Carriers and other service providers are poised to give consumers cheap, easy access to personal e-mail on their
Mike Davidson -- sIFR 2.0: Rich Accessible Typography for the Masses
sIFR 2.0: Rich Accessible Typography for the Masses. April 27, 2005. Over the last several months, a small group of web developers and designers have been
all in the head — XMLHttpRequest for The Masses
XMLHttpRequest for The Masses. 12 December 2004. With the advent of Google Suggest it seems that the industry has deemed that client-side XML HTTP is ready
quikmaps.com - maps for the masses
Doodle up a google map. Draw pictures and label things on a google map using simple clicks and drags. Easily move the map to anywhere in the world.
Web Content by and for the Masses - New York Times
The abundance of user-generated Internet content - which includes online games, desktop video and citizen journalism sites - is reshaping the debate over
Wired News: Weather Data for the Masses
Weather Data for the Masses. [Print story] · [E-mail story] [Rants + Raves]. Page 1 of 1. *. See Also. Thanks for the Pageviews, Ivan · Satellites Track
MP3 Download, music mp3 downloads. ALLOFMP3.
Allofmp3.com - MP3 Download / Music for Masses free player What is Music for Masses. It's a custom made desktop music player to play tracks, for+the+masses: for+the+masses
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