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Campo oltremodo affascinante, non mi stanco di ricercare...
(S. B., student, Italy, June 2002)

Con grande ammirazione ed entusiasmo ho letto i tuoi studi e le tue ricerche sulla toponomastica e con maggiore interesse ho appreso il senso e il rigore quasi scientifico delle tue deduzioni e conclusioni! Sono onestamente ammirato
(M. L., Italy, student, July 2002)

I navigated your site and found your work really illuminating
(M. R., Russia, Ph.D. student, September 2002)

That's a great site. I will peruse it a bit at a time and contact you for any question I may have
(A. A., U.S., October 2002)

A beautiful page, Antonio
(P. G., Poland, Academician, October 2002)

Thank you for starting your site. I hope it will bring about great knowledge of pre-Roman Italic cognates
(J. P., U.S., Historian, October 2002)

Last modified: March 10, 2003
by Antonio Sciarretta
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