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Traffic data firm secures $1M credit line BizJournals
TrafficCast International Inc., a provider of predictive traffic information technology in Madison, said it has secured a $1 million line of credit with a California bank.
H-P, TI in spotlight as tech sector closes with losses Market Watch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Technology stocks put in a mostly negative performance Tuesday, with Hewlett-Packard Co. and Texas Instruments Inc. in the spotlight and the Federal Reserve choosing to hold the line on interest rates for the time being.
Russian mistake of George Soros is popular again International Herald Tribune
Comstar, part of the Sistema holding company, bought 25 percent of the Russian national telephone company, Svyazinvest, for $1.3 billion — and cast the fixed-line company as a hot new technology stock.
TrafficCast International Secures $1 Million Line of Credit From SVB Silicon Valley Bank PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
TrafficCast International, Inc., the foremost developer of real-time and predictive traffic information in the U.S., today announced entering an agreement to secure a $1 million line of credit with SVB Silicon Valley Bank, a division of SVB Financial Group of Santa Clara, CA.
Anti-Aging Skin Care that Defies Time Evening Times
(ARA) - There are many factors that lead to wrinkles and the crepe-like quality of aging, damaged skin - prolonged unprotected sun exposure, unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking and overindulging, and the simple passage of time.
There's no present like the time Chicago Sun-Times
Expect to see more technology crammed into smaller spaces in this season's crop of the coolest timepieces. Plummeting prices and holiday deals on these special-purpose watches make it nearly impossible to own just one.
Risky intersections take time IndeOnline.com
Getting hazardous intersections in Massillon upgraded is slow going. There is no budget line item for such improvements, said City Engineer Keith Dylewski.
Tech Data adds computer cases for its resellers bizjournals.com via Yahoo! Finance
Tech Data is offering its customers access to a complete line of Samsonite laptop cases, bags and women's designer totes -- the first time Samsonite has authorized a distributor to offer its products to IT resellers, a release said.
Cheap Technology Cuts Laser Maker's Costs Investor's Business Daily via Yahoo! News
Mikron Infrared, which helps manufacturers with quality control, has an unlikely ally in the Defense Department.
Cornet Technology Builds Nationwide Manufacturer's Representative Network for Embedded Computing Products Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SPRINGFIELD, Va.----Cornet Technology Communications , the network communications solutions division of Cornet Technology, Inc. , announced it has built a network of representatives to market its Celero line of embedded systems computing products throughout the United States.

The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia
So This Manatee Walks Into The Internet How an off-hand line by Conan O’Brien Have The New York Times waiting for you, as little as $3.15 a week.
Google Aims to Speed the Online Checkout Line - New York Times
Google Aims to Speed the Online Checkout Line "The goal here is to make it be one nanosecond from the time the More Articles in Technology »
NS&T : History : Time Line
Nuclear Science and Technology · Food · Industry · Medicine · Space · Electricity · History · Time Line · Hall of Fame. History : Time Line
Pogue’s Posts - Technology - New York Times Blog
David Pogue's technology column has appeared each Thursday in The Times since 2000. It’s spawned an entire mini-subculture of Line Rider nuts,
Broadband over Power Line: Ready for Prime Time?
Using a low-cost adapter, BPL (broadband over power line) customers can get Those who are betting that BPL's time has come include some technology
In-depth analysis of industry issues and technology trends
Electronic Engineering Times - Asia Online is Asia's resource for daily news, Line drivers and receivers play vital roles in many electronic systems.
George Eastman House Technology Time Line Series
Technology Time Line. George Eastman House Technology Archive 16 Selected Objects Curator, Technology Collection George Eastman House 900 East Avenue
Vacuum Science & Technology Time Line, 1500–1799
Vacuum Science & Technology Time Line, 1800–1899. Sir William Crookes. performs the Maltese. cross experiment. 1887. 1800. Law of Partial Pressures
Visions Technology Time Line Machine: Ancient Civilizations
Offers students a peek into the events that occurred from the Ice Age to the fall of Rome. Smaller time lines that can be easily modified cover prehistory,
Visions Technology Time Line Machine / World History Data Files
Includes time lines beginning with the fall of Rome to the present, with specific curriculum areas covering everything from the Dark and Middle Ages to the line+technology+time: , time line of medical technology , , time line of medical technology , line+technology+time
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