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Microsoft sends journalist his own dossier
In an article for Wired magazine journalist Fred Vogelstein explains how he received a 5500 word dossier from Microsoft’s US PR agency, Waggener Edstrom, all about himself! Imagine h ow the poor journalist felt when he read that “it
April 18th, 7 - Happy Birthday Conan O'Brien!
Throughout his college career, he was a writer for the Harvard Lampoon humor magazine. During his sophomore and junior years, O'Brien served as the Lampoon's president, making him only the second person ever to serve as president twice,
A Chat with Aaron Swartz
Yes. But the best punch line was that Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired, later wrote on his blog that he didn’t find out when it was on the front-page of his website – he found out when I posted that fact to my blog!
Microsoft blogging in the spotlight
I was just about to post this entry with a different title and then noticed the meme making it's way up Techmeme today about Microsoft's blogging case study in this months Wired set alongside the smoking gun briefing email that Chris
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The financial cost of Ubuntu? $25 million in 3 years. In the latest issue of Wired Magazine (issue 15.05), Mark Shuttleworth was awarded a 2007 Rave award in the technology […] Robitaille’s Blog. Tags: ubuntu.
Google Vs. Utah In Keyword Deathmatch
the law believe it will eventually be overturned, but in the meantime, Utah is a rare blind spot in Google’s juggernaut advertising network. A little search engine humor courtesy Brad Fitzpatrick and Chris Pirillo, after the jump.
electrocuted when they go to turn on a badly wired desk lamp. The teacher will hand them back to you with comments: ”Much of your writing is smooth and energetic. You have, however, a ludicrous notion of plot.” Write another story about
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Wikipedia Founder Starts “Open Source” Gaming Web Site. [image]Wired Game|Life’s Chris Kohler reports that Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has announced the debut of […] GigaGamez. Tags: News.
Initial Q Afterthoughts
He was the former editor of Wired Magazine. I’ve never heard of Kevin but he helped encapsulate culture in a unique way. But one thing he said that struck me was the population growth will not continue. In fact, we will see it decline
The researchers found that men and women share much of the same humor-response system; both use to a similar degree the part of the brain responsible for semantic knowledge and juxtaposition and the part involved in language processing.
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