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AllAboutVision.com Provides Basics of Corrective Eye Surgery, Contact Lenses, and Eyeglasses Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
LA JOLLA, Calif.----Consumers can get a concise overview of their vision correction options with "The Basics," a new AllAboutVision.com series covering the fundamentals of eyeglasses , contact lenses , and corrective eye surgery such as LASIK.
Bausch & Lomb agrees to $4.5bn takeover FT.com via Yahoo! News
Bausch & Lomb, the troubled maker of contact lenses and solutions, said it had agreed to a $4.5bn takeover by a private equity group about a year after it withdrew products after they were linked to an infection that can cause blindness.
China Scene: South RedNova
Lens wearers fail to keep cases clean The most likely source of contamination for contact lenses is the case in which they are kept, a study has found.
Bausch & Lomb to Be Sold to Warburg for $3.7 Billion Update1 Bloomberg.com
May 16 (Bloomberg) -- Bausch & Lomb Inc., the maker of contact lenses, lens care products and pharmaceuticals, agreed to be bought by affiliates of Warburg Pincus, the global private equity firm, for $3.7 billion in cash.
Bausch & Lomb agrees to US$4.5b private equity buyout Channel NewsAsia
NEW YORK : Eye care giant Bausch & Lomb agreed on Wednesday to be bought out by private equity fund Warburg Pincus for US$4.5 billion. The announcement came as the market of contact lenses and other eye care products was recovering from a massive recall of lens solutions linked to health problems.
Bausch & Lomb agrees to 4.5 billion-dollar private equity buyout TurkishPress.com
Eye care giant Bausch & Lomb agreed Wednesday to be bought out by private equity fund Warburg Pincus for 4.5 billion dollars. The announcement came as the market of contact lenses and other eye care products was recovering from a massive recall of lens solutions linked to health problems.
Sun River Energy, Inc. Completes Drilling First of Two Coal Bed Methane Wells on New Mexico Lease SYS-CON Media
Sun River Energy, Inc. (OTCBB: SNRV)announces that it has reached total depth on its Myers #2 coal bed methanewell in New Mexico, penetrating multiple thin coal seams interlaced withsandstone and shale lenses which is what was expected upon drilling thiswell. The well encountered some water, which was also expected, but whichis positive for having sealed gas in place preventing prior desorption.
Children, Teens At Greater Risk Than Adults Of Exposure To Damaging UV Radiation Medical News Today
Although both adults and children are subject to the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, younger eyes are more susceptible to exposure to the sun's harmful rays. [click link for full article]
B.C. women blinded by eye-eating bacteria CNews
KELOWNA, B.C. (CP) — A recent backpacking trip through Africa turned into a nightmare when bacteria began destroying Trasey Plouffe‘s corneas and she lost sight in both eyes.
Warburg Pincus to buy Bausch & Lomb AP via Yahoo! News
Bausch & Lomb Inc., struggling to recover from the global recall of a contact lens cleaner blamed for severe eye infections, agreed to a $3.67 billion buyout by Warburg Pincus, though Wall Street seemed to see potential for a higher price tag.
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