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CRM Software by Terrasoft - Terrasoft CRM
CRM software for small and medium sized businesses that provides tools for sales, marketing and service
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BE XRM è' uno strumento di Customer Relationship Management (CRM), espressione con la quale viene indicato l'insieme delle procedure e delle tecnologie software destinate alle aziende e rivolte alla
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Contact Management Software Solutions from Maximizer Contact management software solution for home offices
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Maximizer Software, makers of Maximizer Enterprise customer relationship management CRM, and Maximizer Enterprise 9.5 - una soluzione integrata
Soffront® CRM Software : Help Desk Customer Relationship Management
Bugs and defects tracking software for small businesses to corporate enterprises for helpdesk, technical and customer support, and call tracking. (Soffront Software
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Soffront® CRM Software : Help Desk Customer Relationship
Soffront CRM Software offers a complete CRM solution spanning the marketing, sales, customer support and employee support functions, to the mid-market
Siebel CRM Software, Customer Relationship Management, Business
With the acquisition of Siebel's leading CRM solutions, Oracle now offers a complete, complementary, world-class set of customer relationship management
ACT! Contact and Customer Relationship Management Software
The world's leading Contact Management and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solution for more than 20 years.
Customer relationship management - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operational CRM requires customer agent support software. The purpose of CRM software is to manage the customer through the entire lifecycle,
CRM Software
Professionelle CRM Software für Vertrieb, Marketing Office und Auftragsbearbeitung für Lösungen im Microsoft Umfeld. Demovideo, Testversion und Preise auf
CRM Software (Customer Relationship Management) and Contact
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Contact Management Software Solutions from Maximizer Software with over 7500 Maximizer Enterprise customers and
SugarCRM - Commercial Open Source CRM
Commercial open source customer relationship management (CRM). CRM software for sales force automation and customer support deployed on demand or on site.
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Free CRM from CRM ASP is a hosted software solution for customer Our free CRM software and sales team automation tools speed customer service with
Customer relationship management software (CRM)
Le "Customer Relationship Management (CRM) est une stratégie commerciale visant à engager une relation avec des clients individuels, de l'entretenir et de
CRM : Update Software rachète Orgaplan pour 5,8 millions d'euros
L\'éditeur autrichien de solutions de gestion de la relation client Update Software AG vient de procéder au rachat de l\'allemand Orgaplan, spécialiste du
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