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Graphic Fatal Crash Video Leaked to the Internet WPVI-TV Philadelphia
Graphic video of a fatal car crash has been circulating on the Internet, and the agency that operates the toll road where the crash occurred has launched an investigation to determine how the surveillance footage was leaked.
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Microsoft Buying An Internet Ads Agency Hartford Courant
Hoping To Keep Up With Rivals, Software Giant To Pay $6 Billion For aQuantive Microsoft Corp., not wanting to get left behind rivals in an online advertising boom, agreed Friday to pay $6 billion in cash to acquire aQuantive Inc., a leading agency for Internet ads that also has powerful technology that serves display and banner ads to other websites.
Man Arrested Again In Connection With Internet Crime NBC 30 Connecticut
A 51-year-old Enfield man was arrested a second time after police said he used the Internet to persuade a minor into ual activity.
AG King requests trainers for Internet safety program 11:30 a.m. Las Cruces Sun-News
SANTA FE — Attorney General Gary King issued a letter to school superintendents and high school principals across the state asking for help in reaching students about the dangers of the Internet. (See letter below.)
MTV Networks President of Global Digital Media Mika Salmi to Speak at the Goldman Sachs 8th Annual Global Internet SYS-CON Media
Viacom Inc. today announced that Mika Salmi, President of Global Digital Media for MTV Networks, a division of Viacom, will speak at the Goldman Sachs 8th Annual Global Internet Conference on Wednesday, May 23, 2007. His presentation, which is scheduled to begin at approximately 4:50 p.m. (ET) / 1:50 p.m. (PT), will be open to the general public through a live webcast on Viacom's website at
MTV Networks President of Global Digital Media Mika Salmi to Speak at the Goldman Sachs 8th Annual Global Internet RedNova
NEW YORK, May 18 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Viacom Inc. today announced that Mika Salmi, President of Global Digital Media for MTV Networks, a division of Viacom, will speak at the Goldman Sachs 8th Annual Global Internet Conference on Wednesday, May 23, 2007.
Internet Ad Derby Shifts Into Overdrive The Herald-Sun
The Internet's high-stakes advertising derby shifted into overdrive during the past month as four of the industry's behind-the-scenes players agreed to takeovers. The deals' combined price totaled $10.4 billion, exceeding the total amount of money spent on Internet ads just three years ago.
House passes Internet ban for offenders Durant Daily Democrat
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) - A state lawmaker asked Attorney General Drew Edmondson Thursday to obtain the names of registered offenders in Oklahoma who have been dropped from a popular Internet social networking site.
The Future Of The Internet RedNova
By Brock, Terry The Internet is a fundamental part of our businesses, our culture and our life. Just because many companies with wrong business models have been hit doesn't mean that the Internet is going away. In fact, the Internet is a more vital part of what we do now than ever.
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