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Favorite places in Western Europe
Hey, My favorite spot in Europe is Spain. You have to check it out. Andalucia is beautiful and the palaces in Granada and Seville are things that you should not miss! Troy
Where to go in Europe?
Greece. The place for all ages and all tastes! Clear sea waters, Healthy Mediterranean food, Clean places and people always willing to help for having a good time
Favoite places in Eastern Europe
Plovdiv in Bulgaria :D I've done volunteer work over there, excavating Roman ruins in the centre of the town (did so three weeks in 2 years each, so 6 weeks in total) and became very fond of the city. I have to admid my last trip
Favorite places in Western Europe
I definitely enjoyed Amsterdam (haha). Southern France is awesome too, especially around the Nice area. So beautiful. So peaceful. The people there are so relaxed it makes your stayt there even more enjoyable. :D
Bachelor Parties in Eastern Europe
It includes an interview with a guy who runs a company that sends stags to Eastern Europe. Fascinating stuff. If you're interested in how guys celebrate an impending wedding in the US and around the world, check out the book on Amazon
Tale of the Trip - Part 1
Besides the fact that there's always reliable and efficient portation from the airport to downtown, there are always other subtle things that remind you that you're in Europe. The graffiti everywhere is one of those things.
If possible forward this message to other European countries. With luck somebody will recognize this lovely girl and bring her back to where she must be; with her parents. PLEASE HELP. Imagine if it was your daughter or your sister.
Special Report: Innovate!Europe 2007 - A chat with Technorati CEO
Europe conference in the lovely city of Zaragoza, Spain. As in the past, we led into the conference with a multi-day VIP tour for which we brought along a hand-picked group of top level US journalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs.
Europe Trip - Day 3 & 4
Each morning Bart serves a fully stocked breakfast and both mornings we stayed there, we got to chat with the couples that were staying in the other room. The only drawbacks with Bart's place is that 1) you have to share a bathroom with
Quick Chat April 12th, 2007
PS If Pritchard uses Casey's name at any time during the chat besides the opening and closing salutations, that's kind of like your mom using your full name when calling up the stairs. Q: How do you keep track of these European players?
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Chat Tristan Nitot - Mozilla Europe
En fonction des cabinets d'études, quelle est la fourchette des taux d'utilisation de Firefox en France, en Europe et dans le monde ?
Tristan Nitot (Mozilla Europe) - Le Chat JDN
Microsoft n'est pas un ennemi : c'est un géant qui dort : Firefox, Microsoft, Google, brevet logiciel, stratégie, objectifs Le président de Mozilla
Europe Chat
Europe Chat: Are you a fan of Europe? You're very welcome to join chat. Europe Chat is the place where Europe fans chat with all music lovers
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Le Chat Sauvage d'Europe
Le Chat Sauvage d'Europe défend son territoire comme le font les Chats Domestiques, en laissant diverses marques. La taille de son territoire dépasse
Michel Barnier, conseiller de Nicolas Sarkozy, en chat - Europe
"On ne peut pas rattraper trente ans de silence sur l'Europe en trois mois de campagne" Lire la suite du chat : L'Iran et le Moyen-Orient
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Photo-reportage: Chat with President Michel Delebarre
Chat: Europe in my region and my region in Europe. Michel Delebarre, President of the Committee of the Regions, answered schools’ questions related to
Le site N°1 en Europe de rencontres et de chat entre célibataires
rencontrez la femme ou l'homme de ton choix! rencontrez en France avec Meetic. Joignez Pour Libre Maintenant. Inscription gratuite en une minute!
Session de chat : L’Europe dans ma région, ma région en Europe.
Clip vidéo : Session de chat en ligne au bureau de European Schoolnet. Le Président Delebarre discute de l’Europe avec des élèves (cliquez sur l’icône de
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