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A la carte foes have cable links San Francisco Chronicle
Rep. Hilda Solis, a Southern California Democrat, had an interesting opinion piece in these pages the other day. She made the case that paying only for the TV channels you want to watch is a bad idea. "A close look at the idea of a la carte pricing
From HBO to Chips, Airlines Go à la Carte New York Times
This summer, be sure to pack some extra cash in your carry-on. More airlines are starting to charge for services that used to be free.
FCC Chair Kevin Martin Talks Tech RedNova
Kevin Martin is not exactly the best known government official. But as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Martin plays a much more direct role in the everyday lives of Americans than many of his better known colleagues.
FCC Chair Kevin Martin talks tech San Jose Mercury News
Video: Kevin Martin talks about his visit to Silicon Valley Kevin Martin is not exactly the best known government official. But as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Martin plays a much more direct role in the everyday lives of Americans than many of his better known colleagues.
Top 25 MSOs MultiChannel News
1 AT&T Broadband Basic Subscribers: 13.256 million AT&T Broadband will cease to exist sometime later this year, if Comcast Corp.'s acquisition of the MSO gains expected regulatory approvals. In the meantime, AT&T has been making some progress on its goal of improving cash flow margins.
Google - Don't Be Evil OS News
A recent Google acquisition of DoubleClick for a whopping USD 3.1 billion has turned many heads. The recent past certainly does not fit into Google's traditional non-aggressive attitude towards acquisitions for monopoly in the market.
Cable customers' choices being debated Miami Herald
Sports fans everywhere want to know: "Why do I have to subscribe to the soap opera channel when all I really want is ESPN?"
Cable customers' choices being debated Sharewatch
That's the kind of question the cable TV industry hates answering. The channel choice issue comes up every few years, but people who argue that subscribers should be able to choose channels "a la carte" have never made any real headway.
Cable lobby group: Gutting the FCC would be better for everyone Ars Technica
The head of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association yesterday delivered his plan for reform of the current regulatory environment. That plan? Get rid of the regulatory environment. Read More
The I's Have It RedNova
Leave it to the techies to make "I" impersonal. The iGeneration, or "Internet Generation," is a lifestyle -- filled with high-tech gadgets and gear. That's why companies are jumping at the chance to name and market their products with the one letter that embodies this generation.
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Atlas et cartes du monde : états et régions - Planisphère -
Localisation · Vue satellite · Carte générale · Régions (22) · Départements (100) · Villes et Villages (36860) · Cartes (175) · Photos (3696)
Image satellite cd-rom ISAC
Cd-Rom didacticiel teledetection image satellite a la carte ISAC.
image satellite
Notre vision du monde se trouve sans conteste renouvelée par le "regard" du satellite. Elle diffère de la photographie aérienne et de la carte topographique - Test de la carte satellite TechniSat SkyStar 2
Le multimédia a vite rejoint le monde informatique : carte tuner TV, son 5.1, DVD vidéo… Pourtant, la télévision par satellite est encore très peu présente
A son tour, Map24 ajoute la photo satellite à la carte - PC INpact
Après Google, Yahoo, Geoportail ou encore MSN, entre autres, le site de cartographie en ligne vient à son tour d’ajouter les images aériennes et
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Achats discount, bons prix sur carte satellite Cartes d'acquisition tv-vidéo et bons plans sur Informatique. Faites votre shopping discount en ligne sur
La carte satellite Interactiv
Explorez le monde comme si vous y étiez , images satellites ou carte , naviguez comme vous voulez !
Sainte-Hélène (Île de) Prévision Yahoo! Météo
Météo > Images >. - Satellite. Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! Inc. Tous droits réservés. Copyright © 2002-2007 The Weather Channel Enterprises
L'Atlas du Canada - Image satellite
La carte présente deux images satellite, une du Canada et une autre de l’Amérique du Nord.
Carte satellite | Météo |
Photo satellite. Logo: MétéoMédia · MétéoMé · La Société Radio-Canada; | Pour nous joindre; | Ombudsman; | Salle de presse; | Aide; | Emplois
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