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Irish Association for Emergency Medicine Note
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First Inter-American Conference on Emergency Medicine
www.emcongress.org. 800-884-2236. www.emergencias.org.ar. 054-11-4794-4648 phone. 054-11-4799-3098 fax. EM Congress. 555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
The Third Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress
For more information on the "Call for Abstracts" and other Congress information, please go to. http://www.emcongress.org. The Third Mediterranean Emergency
The Second Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress - Sitges/Bar
Join us and celebrate EM in Sitges/Barcelona, Sept 14-17, 2003. www.emcongress.org <http://www.emcongress.org> Abstract submission deadline: June 1st,
EM Mediterranean Congress Invitation.
to celebrate the specialty of EM at: The Third Mediterranean Medicine Congress Nice, France September 1-5, 2005 www.emcongress.org Organizing Societies:
Web: www.emcongress.org * 국내 여행사 일정 관련 : 첨부화일 참고(내용 수정되었답니 executive@emcongress.org and we will then confirm

EM Mediterranean Congress Invitation.
to celebrate the specialty of EM at: The Third Mediterranean Medicine Congress Nice, France September 1-5, 2005 www.emcongress.org Organizing Societies:
Web: www.emcongress.org * 국내 여행사 일정 관련 : 첨부화일 참고(내용 수정되었답니 executive@emcongress.org and we will then confirm
Listserve For EmergencyMedical Practioners: Re: [EMED-L] Drug Se
www.emcongress.org <http://www.emcongress.org> www.emergencias.org.ar <http://www. emergencias.org.ar>. -------------- Original message --------------
Abstract Send
please go to www.emcongress.org for online access to specific instructions, information, online registration and hotel reservations, or contact the
@ A Glance
www.emcongress.org. FERNE programming includes:. Saturday, September 3. rd. :. •. New Concepts in the Treatment of Seizures. and Status Epilepticus Patients
AAEM Education: Past AAEM-endorsed or AAEM-sponsored Conferences
www.emcongress.org. April 7, 2006. Clinical Management of Orthopedic Injuries Presenting to the Emergency Department Post-Graduate Medical School of the New
ACEP.org - Calendar of International Conferences
Web site: www.emcongress.org. Topical Problems of Organization of Emergency medicine: Low-Invasive Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment in Emergency
有关详情及索取“论文摘要发布表格”,可向大会秘书处查询:Barcelona@emcongress.org, 或登入大会网站查阅:www.emcongress.org。
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