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Holiday shopping brings out our urge to splurge Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Luxury means different things to different people, as these holiday shoppers make clear.
Police Reports - Campbell County Community Press & Recorder
Jason C. Snyder, 19, of 151 Breckenridge Drive, receiving stolen property under $300, alcohol intoxication in a public place (first and second offense), Nov. 11.
Weekend Guide, 12/7/06 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A CELEBRATION OF NEW ORLEANS MUSIC: Ellis Marsalis Trio, Rebirth Brass Band, Chris Thomas King. Manchester Craftsmen's Guild. Thurs., 7:30 p.m.; Fri., 8 p.m.; Sat., 7 and 9:30 p.m.; Sun., 2:30 p.m. $42.50. 412-322-1773.
Crime Reports Louisville Courier-Journal
300 block of Eastern Boulevard. A woman said she was attacked in a parking lot by a man who threw her to the pavement, raped her and kicked her in the back and the head about midnight Nov. 16.
Boca Biz: 'Tis the season Boca Beacon
When this column is published, most of us will be all finished with our over-eating. Gone will be the stuffed turkey and pumpkin pie, the mashed potatoes and the yams, the dressing and the cranberries.
County has variety of unique gift options Homemade items can be found at local shops, from art groups Ann Arbor News
The quest to find the ultimate gift is often an exhausting and time-consuming process. Something unusual or even one-of-a-kind, but with quality, is always desirable. But finding it can often be the challenge.
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