Character Generation 3: Virtues

Updated 2000-07-24

You must purchase (or choose) race before starting to take virtues and flaws.

Usually one Virtue can only be taken only once, and two Virtues that are almost alike can not both be taken. Flaws that negate some Virtues already taken, or vice versa, are not allowed.

Reading/writing: in Middle-earth, all player characters are assumed to be literate (able to read and write) unless a 10 point flaw is taken.

Set Option Category

ChL Table 15.7.3 (p. 90, 2nd Ed).

Special Abilities Category

ChL Table 15.7.3, with lots of changes and some additions.

Skill at Arms

RMC I, page 30, lots of changes.

Skill at Magic

RMC I, page 30, lots of changes.


Negative points here are counted as a disadvantage.

Note that there is no starting equipment, every character must buy their initial equipment! When buying starting equipment, use Rolemaster® list prices ("Town Cost").

Social Standing

Official Status

Patron Advantage is not included on the above virtues.

Other Virtues


+---------------------------+	+------------------------------+
|   Lightness Properties    |	| Non-Magical Bonus Properties |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
| % Weight Reduction | Cost |	| Bonus	|  Cost for Any Item   |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
|         20%        |   10 |	|   +5  |         10           |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
|         30%        |   30 |	|  +10  |         30           |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
|         40%        |   50 |	|  +15  |         50           |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
|         50%        |   75 |	|  +20  |         75           |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
|         60%        |  100 |	|  +25  |        100           |
+--------------------+------+	+-------+----------------------+
|         70%        |  150 |
|         80%        |  225 |
|      Magical Bonus Properties       |
|       |   Cost  |   Cost  |   Cost  |
| Bonus	|  Weapon |  Armor  | General |
|   +5  |    10   |    13   |    15   |
|  +10  |    20   |    25   |    30   |
|  +15  |    30   |    38   |    45   |
|  +20  |    45   |    56   |    68   |
|+25(NA)|    55   |    69   |    83   |
|+30(NA)|    75   |    94   |   113   |
| Type of Spell Item |
| Item       |  Cost |
| Wand       |    10 |
| Rod        |    30 |
| Staff      |    60 |
| Daily I    |    20 |
| Daily II   |    30 |
| Daily III  |    40 |
| Daily V    |    50 |
| Daily True |    75 |
| Constant   |   100 |
+--------------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
| Spell Levels |	| Intelligence                  | Cost | "Stat" |
|              |        |                               |      | bonus  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
| Level	| Cost |	| Empathy (Spell level 1)       |   10 |   -15  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
|    1  |    4 |	| Low Intelligence (Levels 1-2) |   15 |   -10  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
|    2  |    8 |	| Medium Intelligence (1-5)     |   20 |    +0  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
|    3  |   24 |	| High Intelligence (1-10)      |   40 |   +10  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
|    4  |   32 |	| Very High Intelligence (1-20) |  100 |   +20  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
|    5  |   40 |	| Exceptional Intelligence (NA) |  110 |   +25  |
+-------+------+	+-------------------------------+------+--------+
|  6-7  |   56 |
| 8-10  |   80 |
|  11+  |  N/A |
+--------------------------+	+-------------------------------+
| Spell Bonus Item - Adder |	| Spell Bonus Item - Multiplier |
+-------+------------------+	+-------+-----------------------+
| Adder	|       Cost       |	| Mult.	|         Cost          |
+-------+------------------+	+-------+-----------------------+
|   +1  |         20       |	|   x2  |          150          |
+-------+------------------+	+-------+-----------------------+
|   +2  |         50       |	|   x3  |          300          |
+-------+------------------+	+-------+-----------------------+
|   +3  |         75       |	| x4(NA)|         1000          |
+-------+------------------+	+-------+-----------------------+
|   +4  |        130       |	| x5(NA)|         4000          |
+-------+------------------+	+-------+-----------------------+
|   +5  |        175       |

Other Virtues

* = Normally only certain races can have this Virtue.

Acute Senses

         Cost:    Cost:    Cost:    Cost:
 Bonus   Vision   Hearing  Taste    Smell
  +5       10       10        5        5
 +10       20       20       10       10
 +15       30       30       15       15
 +20       40       40       20       20
 +25       60       60       30       30
 +30       75       75       38       38
 +40      130      130       65       65
 +50      209      209      105      105
 +75      484      484      242      242

Appendix: How were the point costs calculated? (Mr. Niilo Paasivirta)