Girls soccer: Butler comes up big in shootout Daily Record Shootout goals by Cassie Heredia, Jessica Hurtado and Christine Vaccaro provided the difference in Butler's 3-2 victory (3-2 shootout) over Hasbrouck Heights in North 1, Group I state tournament girls soccer action on Thursday. Treatment plant plans advancing The Express-Times OXFORD TWP. | The Pollution Control Financing Authority will move ahead with a $250,000-plus design and study phase on a leachate treatment plant. If built, the plant will help the authority save an estimated $1 million dollars a year in hauling costs, board member Everett Chamberlain said. Rell awards 12th round of open space grants Middletown Press MIDDLEOWN - Gov. M. Jodi Rell continued her perfect attendance when she appeared at the 12th round of open space grants on Thursday. Rell visited the Wadsworth Mansion, where she spoke and awarded grants that will benefit open space land preservation. Partial closure of McCracken Road OK'd Worcester Telegram & Gazette MILLBURY - The Board of Selectmen, after a two-hour public hearing, voted 4-0 last night to temporarily close a portion of McCracken Road to two-way traffic. Bradley Beach cops in temporary quarters Asbury Park Press BRADLEY BEACH -- Borough police have moved into their temporary headquarters at the firehouse while their own building undergoes renovations. Police made the move a few weeks ago and expect to work out of 725 Rear Main St. for eight months to a year, Acting Police Chief Leonard Guida said. They are stationed at the northeast corner of the firehouse, just west of Ocean Park Avenue and Main Street, Angola: Zaire - Opposition Unita Trains Electoral Supervisors M'About thirty electoral supervisors from the opposition UNITA party are since Tuesday attending a seminar on observation and monitoring of the electoral registration process, in the northern Zaire Province. Police relocate during building renovations Asbury Park Press BRADLEY BEACH: Borough police have moved into their temporary headquarters at the firehouse while their own building undergoes renovations. Regional digest Worcester Telegram & Gazette MILLBURY -- A public hearing will be held tonight to discuss making part of McCracken Road a one-way street. Regional digest Worcester Telegram & Gazette EAST BROOKFIELD -- Police Officer Holly Wrightson will speak about ways seniors can avoid being scammed at the Lashaway Seniors meeting at 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Senior Hall on Pleasant Street. Regional digest Worcester Telegram & Gazette ATHOL -- Police arrested two people yesterday morning for allegedly fleeing police after being stopped in a stolen car Saturday.
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