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SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition RC1 Available
SQLce—formerly named SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition (SQLEv)—is a lightweight, in-process cousin of SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express. SQLce is the successor to earlier SQL Server Mobile and SQL CE editions.
ADO.NET Sync Framework for Occasionally Connected Systems
NET Sync Framework, Orcas, SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition, SQL Server Compact Edition, SQL Server CE, SQLce, SQL Server 2005 Everywhere Edition, SQL Server Everywhere, SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition, SQL Server Mobile, MSSQL
A learning experience with SQL Server CE
The first thing was that apparently you can't create a SQL Server CE database (in code) on a storage card in the emulator. Ok, so this sucks for a number of reasons, the obvious one is how do you debug your application if you don't have
SQL Server Compact Edition RC1 released
Over at the SQL Server Compact Edition blog they have the announced that RC1 of SQL Server 2005 CE is now available for download. With the recent name changes the RTM release of this product has been delayed but you can expect that this
SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition - Support for Windows CE 4.2
SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition is now available for Windows CE 4.2 for following processors:. ARMv4, ARMv4i, MIPSII, MIPSII FP, MIPSIV, MIPSIV FP, SH3, SH4 and x86. One can get SQL Mobile bits on Windows CE 4.2 for the above processors
SQL Server Everywhere Renamed again
The primary issue that Microsoft will have to fight with this most recent name change is convincing customers that SQL Server CE (Compact Edition) is something that is targeted not only at PDA’s but also Desktops and Tablets
Sql Server Mobile Not Working in Visual Studio 2005?
<add name="SQL Server CE Data Provider". invariant="Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client". description=".NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition". type="Microsoft.SqlServerCe.Client.SqlCeClientFactory, Microsoft
SQL Server Everywhere with deklarit 4.1
This is because I was confuse which DBMS to choose as I didn't found the SQL Server Everywhere DBMS. Anyhow, i continued with my testing for both SQL Server and SQL Server CE but it seems no fruits. Please show me the correct way to do
SQL Server Compact Edition is Back!
The recently renamed SQL Server Everywhere (the successor to SQL Mobile and SQL CE) has been renamed back SQL Server Compact Edition - see the details here. I have spent alot of time over the past few months speaking about SQL Server
Sync Sql Server CE Mobile 5.0 and Sql Server 2000
microsoft.public.sqlserver.ce: Sync Sql Server CE (Mobile 5.0) and Sql Server 2000

Dettagli download: Aggiornamento di SQL Server CE versione 2.0 per
Questa versione degli strumenti server di SQL Server CE consente di aggiornare i server che eseguono IIS per il supporto di soluzioni di connettività per
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework QuickStarts Tutorial
SQL Server CE is a great tool for managing data on a device, but that data must Merge the local SQL Server CE database with the SQL Server database.
ONDotnet.com -- Using Remote Data Access with SQL Server CE 2.0
Using SQL Server CE edition to build a mobile, database rich application.
Aggiornamento dalle versioni precedenti di SQL Server CE
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (SQL Server Mobile) consente di gestire l&#39;affiancamento di due versioni del prodotto. Le due versioni di SQL Server
Sviluppo per Pocket PC con SQL Server CE 2.0
SQL Server 2000 features crucial for SQL Server CE: Server o a SQL Server CE. Interfaccia del Workbench; La maggior parte delle differenze sono la

ONDotnet.com -- Using Remote Data Access with SQL Server CE 2.0
Using SQL Server CE edition to build a mobile, database rich application.
Aggiornamento dalle versioni precedenti di SQL Server CE
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition (SQL Server Mobile) consente di gestire l&#39;affiancamento di due versioni del prodotto. Le due versioni di SQL Server
Installazione di SQL Server Mobile
Riporta informazioni sull&#39;aggiornamento da Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Windows CE Edition (SQL Server CE) 1.0, SQL Server CE 1.1 e SQL Server CE 2.0 a SQL
Sviluppo per Pocket PC con SQL Server CE 2.0
SQL Server 2000 features crucial for SQL Server CE: Server o a SQL Server CE. Interfaccia del Workbench; La maggior parte delle differenze sono la
#4 SQL Server CE
Sincronizza i dati tra SQL Server e SQL Server CE. SQL Server è il publisher; SQL Server CE è il SQL Server CE e SQL Server possono modificare i dati
Prima beta di SQL Server CE "Laguna" | SQL Server | ASPItalia.com
SQL Server CE è il database utilizzato su Windows Mobile, in grado di garantire funzionalità come la replica, il merge e la sincronizzazione con database
Novità per Win CE: .NET compact framework e SQL Server CE 2.0
A chiudere il cerchio, poi, è stato ato l&#39;arrivo di SQL Server CE 2.0, scaricabile gratuitamente ed in grado di competere, in quanto a potenza e
Creating Apps with SQL Server CE and SQL RDA
In this article, I’ll discuss the best practices for designing an application for both the desktop and Pocket PC, and how to use SQL Server CE and RDA to
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